chapter 6

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kayla's pov

''What do you want reed'' I said tiredly. I was honestly really tired. I looked up and stared into his eyes and I felt my heart leap. What the hell Kayla!

''Look I'm sorry but I don't really know why you stompped out though its not that big of a deal what I told you'' he said monotonously with an eye roll. Asshole!!!!! I couldn't believe him. I know I'm not particularly nice to him but that is because he is an asshole.

''Not big of a deal Reed, I maybe blowing this matter out of proportion but it's not only about this matter reed it's about I can't handle you criticizing me about every little thing I have feelings and I just can't handle you saying shit about me I just can't take it anymore but why should you care you're maybe finding this funny and proberly can't wait to go back and tell your friends that Kayla Anderson expressed her feelings to me and also cried hehehehe let's go tell the school that Kayla gets hurt when I crticize and laugh and make fun of her but you know what I hate you so god damn much! and I wish you just disappeared from my life and never come back!'' I snapped. I regretted my words as soon as I said them even more when I saw the one second look passed in his eyes. My face softened going to apologize.

''Kayla I never knew it hurt you but come on you said some pretty hurtful things to me as well!'' he said irritatablely and looked at me with such cold eyes. I hated that look. And then my cover less mouth opened again.

''No what I said was true every single insult was true! and you can't deny it cause you're a self centered jerk who only cares about himself you have no future and just because you get good grades doesn't mean you'll get anywhere in life! because no one can stand to be around you! you are a worthless jerk no one likes or cares about you! and that's how it will remain because you push everyone away you jerk! '' I exclaimed.

''Oh I'm self centered well news flash princess you're just as self centered everything always has to be about you and just because you're daddy's little girl doesn't mean you can tell anyone anything you want you're such a stuck up rich girl and guest what no one likes you either cause you're annoying as hell and I feel terribly sorry for the guy who gets stuck with you no one likes you because you act all perfect and you also don't let anyone in you act like you're better than everyone and no one is worth being near you well just what I can't stand you either and I will be the luckiest man in the world when I leave this college cause you'll be out of my life forever! '' he shouted. Tears brimmed my eyes. I hated shouting but he just seems to let out the beast in me.

After that we both just stood there looking at each other and that's when I realised I had been crying I immediately wiped my tears and put on a straight face.

''Well then I am going to grant your wish Reed Carter, for the next years we have here you'll go your way and I'll go mine without speaking to each other its been not nice knowing you goodbye reed.'' I said turning around and I swear I saw a look of sadness In his eyes and I couldn't help but feel a lump in my heart when I said that.

''Oh and Reed everything I have it's because of my work I got it because I worked for it so I am NOT a stuck up rich girl.'' I snapped. I hated when people assumed that.

With that being said I stomped off leaving my car behind and the worst of all was that it was really dark and I didn't know where the hell I was going AND on the top of that I felt as if I was being followed.

the worst part was that I felt I was going be seeing more of Reed than I have ever wanted.


So what do you guys think the next chapter is going to be a lot of drama.

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