Chapter 1

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Nero's POV

Dammit. Why am I always late? I am running through the streets of Fortuna, towards the church. I can already hear the bells ringing and I know that Kyrie's gonna do her performance any second.

She wanted me to come and I promised her that I would be there. And I am determined to keep that promise. Kyrie's my sister and I would do anything for her. Well, actually she isn't my biological sister. But I don't know my biological parents and her family took me in and raised me when I was little.

Suddenly, I sense some tingle and my right arm is glowing light blue through the thick bandage that I have always rapped around it. This arm really drives me crazy... But it also sort of tells me that something evil is about to come. The next second some weird creatures with bodies of rags appear. I know immediately that they're demons.

Great, just great... I guess I don't have any luck at all...I speed towards them and jump in order to knock the first one to the ground by hitting it with my feet. I hit the next one with my fist, throwing it against a wall. Then one of their blades comes rushing towards me and I can grab it just before I'm hit. I manage to tear the blade out of the demon's grip. And finally I'm not unarmed anymore. I wield the blade with my left arm, but I'm used to this, I never use my right arm – the bandaged one. I hurry to slay the demons, still running towards the church. I have already wasted too much time and I know that Kyrie has already started with her song...

I jump over the remaining demons, using them as steps to get high up in the air. Then I slay the last remaining demons and sprint to the church.

I sneak in and see Kyrie standing in the middle of the church, eyes closed and singing the last notes of her song. I quickly collapse on a bench, trying to catch my breath. Even though I only hear the last few seconds of her singing, I can tell that it's amazing! When she finishes everybody claps their hands. Kyrie looks into my direction and smiles as she sees me. I'm glad that I made it before she finished. She walks to me to sit beside me as 'His Holiness' begins with his boring preaching. Then Kyrie finds the small package that I've put onto her seat. I am happy to see my little sis smile and I think she is really happy about the little gift. I bought her a necklace in order to celebrate her big day: the first time she's ever had a solo performance in church. I know that my sis always dreams about becoming a singer and I want her to have the necklace as some sort of a good luck charm.

All this preaching is just so boring... I listen to music, but still... I get a disapproving glare of Credo. Credo is Kyrie's brother, so sort of my brother, too. But I'm not as close to him as I am to Kyrie.

Then Sanctus says the words "Let us pray". All people obey. I can't stand this shit about the dark knight anymore. So I just get up and turn to leave. Kyrie comes up behind me.

"Nero, what's wrong?"

"I'm outta here!"

"But it's not over yet..."

"All this preaching's putting me to sleep."

I am about to walk away, when I feel that tingle again.

What the... Dammit, not here!Then the events happen. CRAACK! The glass ceiling of the church bursts and two figures fall down. I can make out that it's some guy and a girl. The guy has white hair and he's wearing a red coat. On his back there's a huge sword and he has also two guns with him. The girl on the other hand has dark brown, wavy hair. She is not wearing a coat, only some black top and black skinny trousers. She keeps hold of a long silver katana. Both of them land easily on the ground, the guy right in front of His Holiness. All people are frozen in shock. Before anybody can react, the white haired one pulls out a gun, points it at His Holiness ant pulls the trigger.

He shot him! He really shot him! I can't believe it. He turns around, his face is splattered with blood. Credo shouts: "Your Holiness!"

Then he and the other knights of the Order pull out their swords and attack the stranger. The girl also enters the fight and even though they are only two against many, the knights of the Order don't even have the tiniest little chance against them. The people start to freak out and run away, out of the church, but Kyrie and I are still standing there. Why am I still standing there? I can't take my eyes off the strangers. Finally, I can force my feet to move. I grab Kyrie's arm and pull her with me as I move towards the exit.

Still I have an eye on the strangers. The girl slays the knights of the Order in a impressing acrobatic way. The whole way how she jumps in the air and turns, only to come down behind her victim... impressive...

Then I realize that there are no knights remaining, only Credo is bent over His Holiness. We are nearly at the exit by now, but then Kyrie sees the stranger turning to Credo, who has turned his back on him.


She screams and rips her arm out of my grip. Then she runs towards her brother.


The one in red has nearly reached Credo, Kyrie is running after him. Then a knight of the Order gets up from the floor, only to be slayed by that girl. He falls back and knocks Kyrie to the ground. That's when the guy turn around and now approaches Kyrie instead of Credo. Now he's standing right over her, Kyrie looks up in horror. I can't let anything happen to her!

Without hesitation, I run towards the guy high speed, then I jump, turn and hit him with my feet. When I am on the ground again, I send two bullets after the guy. While still flying backwards, he blocks them with his sword. Then he lands on the huge statue. I quickly jump onto it after him. We are now each standing on one of its arms and aiming our guns at each other.

"Nero!" I hear Kyrie's scared scream.

"Kyrie, go with your brother and get outta here!"

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Credo stepping in front of her, pointing his sword at the girl who is still down there. The two of them move to the exit.

"I will return with help! You stall them until then!" Credo calls to me.

Sure he will, but who knows when...

"I won't hold my breath!" I mumble.

Then I pull the trigger of Blue Rose, but the guy dodges my bullet, jumping off the statue.  I follow and hit him midair. I dodge his bullets and he dodges mine. Then I land on top of the statue again. He is still in the air.

How can he jump that high and remain off the ground for so long?

Suddenly, he comes down again and hits me with his sword. I am taken by surprise of his strength and fall off the statue. Finally, we're both on the ground.

The girl draws her katana and is about to enter the fight, when the guy in red raises his voice.

"Luna, this isn't your fight, stay out of this!"

She does as he says without arguing. I look at this guy, I just can't stand him...

"You got a jacked up notion of fair play, pal, and it's beginning to piss me off."

*** *** ***

Hi guys! So finally, after a very long time, there is the first chapter! I love this story and wanna thank every single one of you who reads it. It's gonna be written mostly from Luna's point of view. This story is basically the story of DmC 4 with my OC Luna, but there will be some plot changes. I have lots of things in mind and this might get really huge.

But I can't promise that I will update as often as I want to. I still have one of my final exams left, which is in two weeks. I have lots of work to do for it, but I will also try and write on this story. There is also another thing that keeps me from writing this one: I am currently working on my very first fantasy novel. It's gonna be a trilogy and not fanfiction. So currently I am writing two stories: this one and my fantasy novel.

So, thank you for reading!


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