Chapter 19

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Luna's POV

"Let's get this over with." Trish growls and on three the two of us attack the living statue.

It just bends down to crash us, when we jump. At the same time, we bury our blades in the blue orb on its chest. We crash right through it and land inside of the machine. I don't know what I expected, maybe monitors and computer systems or anything, but what we find is some sort of slimy demonic material that looks just as disgusting as it sounds.

"Ugh, now that's a surprise..." I note sarcastically.

"Tough shell but slimy inside." Trish goes on and I can't help but smirk.

She obviously has the same thoughts as I do.

"Alright, so now we just gotta find a way up there and destroy the last orb from the inside out." Trish tells me after I finished slicing everything slimy close to me. I have no idea whether that's any use, but it definitely makes me happy. I cut through some more slimy flesh and with that I uncover the entrance to a tunnel that seems to be leading upstairs. We nod at each other and agree without a word on going that way. On our way, we have to fight our way through some demons, but together with Trish, it's not that hard to defeat them. Finally, we get upstairs and we find ourselves in some kind of a big room. There is some weird dim light in here. The light shines sort of bluish through the orb in the 'Savior's' head, but at the same time it is not really blue in here because once again, everything is covered in that slimy reddish disgusting material. Only it isn't just any weird looking material now. It is moving... pulsing. And I can see the source. On the 'wall' vis-à-vis from the blue orb, there is some huge thing consisting of the demonic material and it looks just like a heart.

"A heart in the head? What kind of a sick experiment is this?" I mutter disgusted.

Trish glances at me. "I don't care, but let's kill it! Once and for all!"

I don't answer, instead I bury my sword in the machine's heart and slice it open. However, I don't expect what is to come next. The 'heart' bursts and the whole room is flooded with some sort of liquid. I wonder whether this is the blood of the demonic machine, but my mind is drawn away from any kind of thoughts pretty quick as I suddenly am surrounded by the liquid and I can't get any oxygen into my lungs. I try to swim to the surface, but I have lost all sense of direction and don't know where to go. Soon my strength leaves me and I know that I am dying. What a stupid way to go. Drowning in liquid after successfully fighting millions of demons. Are you freaking kidding me? It isn't supposed to end like this!

Tuesday. It's Tuesday, I know. I am late AGAIN. Sorry about that... it feels weird to say sorry each time I upload a chapter, just because I never manage to do it on time. Hey, but at least I remembered today. It's not like you had to wait forever. So maybe just expect every chapter to be one day late... perhaps I won't be late anymore if you do so.

So... Luna is in a pretty crappy situation right now... Do you think she will survive? If you do, then how do you think she will? I assure you, she won't turn into a fish or anything.

Thank you for reading!


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