Chapter 21

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Nero's POV

We are fighting for our lives and I gotta say that Sanctus has some really evil tricks up his sleeve. It's impossible to fight someone without even trying to win the fight. But Dante and I, we are doing exactly that. We are doomed to fail. I have lost count of the cuts, bruises and other wounds that are covering my body. Yet I have not triggered. I do everything I can to keep the trigger from kicking in and at the same time I try not to get myself killed. I groan as I am hit by Sanctus' energetic lightening that sets my whole body on fire before I finally manage to move out of the way. Dante grabs me by my arm and pulls me up again. Once again, we start blocking our enemy's attacks in sync. But it doesn't take long and I am hit by another lightning bolt that throws me hard against the wall. I fall to the ground and the pain is everywhere. I cough up blood and my trigger kicks in, keeping me from dying. Immediately, I can feel the power in my veins and also the rage of the fight consume my body. I charge at Sanctus and fight him with Yamato. Dante joins my efforts and the fight goes on and on and on. I feel like I am in an endless spiral of placing strikes, getting hit and repeating this all over again. For the moment, we are doing quite well, but then something unexpected happens. Two demons in white angelic armors appear out of nowhere and charge at me top-speed. I don't have time to dodge and so I am pinned to the wall by their two lances.

"Nero!" I hear Dante shout my name.

I try to free myself, but it's too late: the next moment, Sanctus is in front of me and shoots a big lightning bolt at me. It hits my chest and I can't help but scream out in agony as the pain races through my veins, tearing my insides apart with sharp claws and long teeth. My throat is burning from screaming out and I doubt that the fires of hell could be any worse than this. Some part of my brain notes that Sanctus has his powers from this exact place – hell. But I don't care, all I know, all I fell, all I am is the pain. And all I hear is Sanctus' mad laugh.

Luna's POV

Dante is fighting five demons in white armors, but that is not what catches my eye. The room is filled by two sounds. Firstly, the mad and evil laughter of Sanctus. And secondly, Nero's agonized screams. The screams that are literally tearing my heart apart. In horror, I have to witness Sanctus torturing Nero with some sort of lightening – probably to his death. Nero's trigger is blending in and out and he is getting really close to his end. I can hear from his screams that he is in unbearable pain and I don't hesitate. I charge forward with my sword raised. I sprint as fast as I can. I use all the power that the demonic blood in my veins gives me and I am faster than ever. I dodge the attack of two demons while running and a part of me notices that Trish steps in to fight them. Then my blade meets flesh. And it stabs right through Sanctus' chest, entering in his back and exiting on the other side. A sickening sound escaped his mouth as he breathes his last breath. Then the lightening stops and he drops to the ground, dead. I killed him.

But he is not the only one to drop to the ground...

I am such a bad person... I always hurt poor Nero... Sorry about that... these ideas just keep popping into my head and I just feel like he is someone to sacrifice himself for others. I think he doesn't feel like he deserves to live because of the devil that is part of him...

Anyways, thank you guys so much for commenting on my last chapter, I was really happy about it! Now there is only one chapter left and I would like to know what you liked best about this story so far and also your ideas for the end.

If any of you guys are interested in more DmC, feel free to check out my first DmC fanfic 'Learn my Lesson'. I would really appreciate your feedback!

Thanks again!


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