Chapter 6

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Nero's POV

"Come on, let's get outta here."

I tell the girl in front of me and we climb up the hill to the Hell Gate. Next to the gate, there is the entrance to some sort of tunnel and we agree on going that way. We find ourselves in another mining area and once again, we have to deal with some Scarecrows. I don't like these things. They aren't very strong, but in my opinion, they are just so annoying. We reach a cliff inside the tunnel and stop. Luna inspects the new obstacle and groans annoyed.

"Ugh... the stairs are broken. There's no way I'm gonna be able to climb up there. I wish I could fly."

I feel a tingling sensation in my arm again and look up. There are some blue orbs in the air again and immediately I know that I can use them to get the two of us up there. I raise an eyebrow.

"Well, that's fortunate... these orbs seem to be everywhere I need them."

I turn to smirk at Luna again.

"Wanna know how to fly?"

A broad grin appears on her face and she comes over to me. Without hesitation she wraps her arms around me and holds on tight, placing her cheek against my shoulder. I kind of like that feeling. Once again, I wrap my left arm around her, to make sure she won't fall, then I use my devil arm to catapult us upwards. Soon, we land safely on top of the cliff. Only to be greeted by some more demons. Before I can even react, Luna has already drawn her katana and sped towards them. She's definitely faster than any human could be...

After finishing the demons, we follow the tunnel and I notice the air getting icy. Also the ground turns into some sort of a snow and ice surface. The next moment, we leave the tunnel and find ourselves in the middle of a snow scenery. The cliffs are covered in ice and the air is so cold that I think I would freeze to a statue if I didn't keep moving. Besides we are in the middle of a snow storm and I can barely even see the ground in front of me. Without looking back at my companion, I say:

"Take my hand, we need to stick together. Or else we'll get lost."

The next second, Luna grabs my right hand, the demonic one. She doesn't even seem to realize that she's not holding on to a human hand.

"Um... you okay with this?" I ask her awkwardly.

At first she looks confused, then she realizes that I'm staring at our hands – my demonic one in particular.

"Yeah, sure. It's part of you, isn't it. Not that big of a deal." She answers amused.

Wow, this girl is really amazing. I nod at her and start to guide us along the edge of the cliff. It's a pretty narrow path and there are only inches between our feet and the chasm, which would probably be our certain death. Finally we leave the storm behind us and we are greeted by the sight of a castle. We step on some old kind of bridge, but at the same time, a whole tower breaks down, probably it has cracked from the cold. For a split second I stare at it in shock, realizing that we would be going down. Then I pick up Luna, holding her bridal style and shielding her with my body. Next thing I know is us falling. I can hear her surprised scream and I know that I am possibly saving her life at the moment. I break the fall, hitting the ground, but miraculously manage to stand. I set Luna and we both dust ourselves of. She sighs in relief.

"Thanks, for saving me... again." She tells me honestly.

I want to answer, but I am interrupted by the hawk like screams of two demons. Well, not really absolutely hawk like... the scream sounds so icy? I lift my head and see two huge ice demons on the castle wall up ahead.

"Don't let it be for nothing, fight!" I shout to Luna.

But what am I telling her, of course she has already drawn her katana. Again she amazes me with her speed. She hits the demon which is attacking her in various places and also manages to dodge the ice spikes that it's shooting at her. I on the other hand cheat a little and don't show off with great sword skills. I use my demonic arm and grab the demon. Then I smash it to the ground, not letting go. I go on like this for a while, before throwing it at the other ice demon. Finally we manage to get rid of the fucking creatures.

"What the hell were that?" I shout out to my companion.

"Frosts. They are ice demons with damn hard shields made of ice." She shouts back.

"How do you know that?" I question.

"I'm a demon hunter." She just smirks.

We see another bridge and head for it, hoping that it won't break. We hear the sound of Scarecrows, then we see something jump down the roof of the castle. I draw my gun and wanna shoot, but Luna stops me.


I obey and realize that there's a woman fighting the demons. She's pretty acrobatic and the way she jumps around actually reminds me of Luna. A bit. I am a little bit irritated by the way she laughs while slaying the demons. She's actually having fun. I don't really know exactly why, but I just think that it's a little weird. Then it happens: the woman doesn't see the last demon charging at her. I am sure it hits her, but I am proven wrong by Luna, who jumps high up in the air and slays the demon in two halves with her katana. With an elegant backflip she lands on the ground again. The woman smirks at her.

"I owe you thanks." She says.

"Trish." Is Luna's only answer.

"Wait, you two know each other?" I ask immediately.

"Yeah... we do." Luna admits.

"I have to go again, take care Luna. Don't be stupid." Trish says, then she turns around and leaves.

Luna sighs and looks down. Who the hell is this Trish person?

"How do you know her?" I ask Luna.

"She's a close friend. She saved my life. You know I joined Dante in the fighting demons thing he's got. On a mission I got hurt and I would have died, but Trish saved me." She told me.

Great, so again a friend of this Dante guy. I definitely have to talk to him. According to Luna he isn't one of the bad guys and I do trust her.

"How did she save you?" I ask, wondering what happened.

"She's got demon blood in her veins. I was on the verge of death and she saved me by providing me with her blood. You know I had lost too much of my blood and she gave me hers. Demonic blood. It changed me. Ever since, I haven't been human anymore. I am faster, I can jump higher, I am also stronger and I do heal faster." She finally explains.

***   ***   ***

So... here we go. Finally, you know what's the deal with Luna. I think it's quite an interesting combination and I kind of like the fact that Nero now wants to talk to Dante and not kill him. This is gonna get pretty interesting. I don't know in what way Kyrie might appear again...

However, I hope you like it and it would be great if you could tell me what you think about Luna's demon side.

till soon


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