Chapter Four

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After stepping inside my apartment, I turn the deadbolt to lock my door. When I hear the faint *click*, words escape out of my mouth without permission.

"What the fuck just happened?"

Astonishment hits me like a trance as I stand in the living room with my back to the door, staring at my phone like it has the plague. It's almost like it knows I'm staring because as soon as I unlock it for the fifteenth time, it buzzes, notifying me of a text message. My heart speeds up assuming it's a message from Theo but stills when I read the contact name.

:))Cammy: Did you see the stats for today? We had a 56 cup hour! I told you that we would get busy.

Thinking back, we were decently busy today. The job is much more enjoyable when you actually have things to do, but still a job nonetheless. Before I can respond, she starts typing again.

:))Cammy: Also, don't forget about our pinky promise hoe. We're going shopping tomorrow after I get off of work to get some cute fits for this weekend;)

Again with the idea that I never have plans, but she's technically not wrong. When Theo and I finally parted ways after a very interesting, to say the least, conversation earlier, I gave him my number. He probably won't text me considering he's way out of my league, especially with that sexy ass accent of his, but a woman can hope.

I finally talk myself into putting my phone down and as soon as it hits the table, I get another notification. I pick it up assuming it's another text from Camryn, but I audibly gasped when reading the message.

(305)111-1111: Hey Katana, It's Theo. Let me know when you get home safely if you aren't already.

Carefully placing my phone down before throwing my hands in the air and silently jumping up and down. "Oh god, what do I say?" I ask out loud to Moose, who's watching me like I'm insane, which I might be.

After retyping the message at least a hundred times, I finally reply with, Hey! I'm already home safe. Luckily, no crazy bad drivers tried to kill me this time.

Hopefully that wasn't weird. "That wasn't weird, right? Right?" I whisper-yell at Moose. He just stares at me like always. I don't know how I can rely on this for mental support.

Instead of staring back at Moose until he learns how to talk, I stumble my way to the kitchen all while staring at my phone to see if he responds. After two minutes of waiting, I yell back to Moose, "It was definitely too weird!"

Opening the fridge, I grab the container of eggs and set them on the counter. Underneath the stove, I have my trusty egg pan which I grab out and place on the burner before lighting it. After a few minutes of it heating up, I crack an egg into the pan and turn around to put some frozen waffles into the toaster. Breakfast at 3:45 pm? Why not? I proceed to make a sandwich from the waffles, egg, slice of cheddar cheese, and a bit of cream cheese.

When I sit down on the couch, Moose makes his way over to check out the sandwich and take his usual sniff before making his way back to his post. I grab the tv remote and switch it to Hulu so that I can start my usual binge of Teen Wolf, but I stop short when my phone goes off again.

Hot Target Theo: Sorry it took so long to respond, I was dealing with something work related. Also, that's not funny. I am such a good driver, I swear lol.

After I giggle like a little schoolgirl, I reply with, Mhm. Sure, I totally believe you:)

I full-heartedly believe that if I got into a car with this man, we would crash and die. Maybe I need to host a driver's training class where I explain to him how a crosswalk works.

He responds quicker this time, earning some brownie points from Moose as he perks his ears up to the vibration of my phone. Reaching to respond to the text, leaves me panicking when I realize it's a phone call. "Who in this century talks on the phone?" I yell at Moose, who could care less about my problems. After taking a deep breath, I answer.

"Hello?" I call out in a confused tone. Again, who calls anymore?

"Hey! Sorry, I'm driving and I didn't want to prove you right by crashing the car. Are you willing to take me up on those plans in about..." A moment of silence before he continues with, "15 minutes?"

Oh yeah, those plans that I definitely haven't stopped thinking about since he mentioned it. Why is this man so dense, 15 minutes for me to be ready to hang out with a guy alone? For the first time since moving here? I need at least an hour. He is quite literally insane. Obviously I'm not going to be ready that fast, I need to take an "everything" shower before going anywhere with him.

"Yeah! I'm down for that. You said you're in a hotel right now, right? I can just meet you there if you'd like. Or we can meet wherever since, ya know, giving out addresses to strangers is a bit dangerous. I could be a murderer, you never know." OhmygodpleasestoptalkingKatana.

He lets out a small chuckle before continuing, "Well I was thinking that I could pick you up from your place, but I'm going to take that as a no considering I could be a murderer, ya know?" I can hear the smile in his voice.

"What a cocky man," I think to myself. Now I'm thinking about things that I definitely shouldn't be thinking about. I wonder wha-

"OK!" I shout into my phone while trying to end the onslaught of dirty thoughts running through my brain.

"Okay?" he questions.

"I'm fine with you picking me up! Even if you're not a serial killer, you'll still end up killing me with those horrible driving skills so it's a win for me no matter what. A little dirt nap means I don't have to go to work ever again." Why would I say that? I now have to give a random man my address. I'm really letting the lack of physical – sexual – attention make irrational decisions right now.

"Okay, just text me the address and I'll head that way then. Promise I'll do my best to not kill you." I can hear the bleeding sarcasm in that last sentence before the call ends.

After texting him my address like the idiot I am, I sprint to the bathroom to clean myself up. The plans he mentioned earlier consisted of sharing my beloved Jose and binge-watching a show of my choice, which is totally going to be Teen Wolf. If a man doesn't fuck with Stiles Stilinski, I don't fuck with him.

I spent the next 15 minutes rushing to get ready and trying on at least eight different outfit choices before settling on a pair of gray Nike sweats and a black, form-fitting tank top that I purchased off of Shein before moving here. Cute but casual. I let my hair flow down to my sides rather than putting it up in a ponytail and I contemplate cutting it when I notice the split ends resting at the small of my back. Long hair is so hard to take care of when you don't care that much.

My phone vibrates as I spit the remaining toothpaste out of my mouth and read the text from Theo, letting me know that he is parked in the carport. At least I was smart enough to not give him my actual apartment number. I reply with a quick, Be right out! before grabbing my keys, throwing on my black Crocs, and walking out the door.

After turning the lock, I press my hand against the "3B," and say "Wish me luck," to the inanimate object. Let's hope I don't die!

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