Chapter Twelve

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The line goes dead after a click, signaling that Katana ended the call. "Fuck!" I shout at myself before grabbing my keys and sprinting out of the building to my car.

"What the fuck is wrong with me?" I ask myself. I just self-destructed this entire thing! I could have told her my real name and this wouldn't be half as bad as it is now. Why did I even lie about my name? That makes me sound like a fucking psychopath.

I smash the unlock button on my car and swing the door open to climb in as fast as possible. Slamming my door shut and starting the car at the same time, I grab my phone to try and call Katana again. With no luck, not even a ring, I gather that she blocked my number. God damnit.

Shifting my car into gear, I slam my foot to the floor and accelerate hard. I am probably going felony speeds, but I need to get to her apartment as fast as possible. I need a chance to explain at least. Fuck, I barely know this girl. I shouldn't even care.

After I run a red light, my phone announces a call from Lando. Reluctantly, I answer.

"What" I spit out.

"Dude, what the fuck are you doing? You just passed me and you're going entirely too fast. What's going on?" Lando shouts into his phone. He is blatantly worried but also pissed at my recklessness right now. I could get my racing privileges taken away for this, but I can't not try.

Sighing roughly, I admit, "Look dude, I fucked up. That girl I had over? I lied to her. I told her my name was Theo or some shit because I didn't want her to know who I was. Fuck man, she doesn't know F1 at all."

I hear Lando sigh back into the line before saying, "She didn't know F1, so you hid who you were in case she looked you up? Now she knows and you weren't the one to tell her so it seems like you're a psycho who lied about their entire identity. Am I getting this right?"

My tires screech as I pull into her apartment's parking lot in record time.

Lando speaks again while I realize I don't know which apartment she lives in.

"How do you think she found out?" He asks me.

"I don't even know man, I really don- mother fucker." I am rendered speechless as I see it. My face is plastered on the billboard right outside of her apartment complex.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Lando asks in response to my jagged last words.

"There's a fucking Ferrari ad outside of her building and my face is front and center. Full fucking name and everything, Lando. How do I even explain this shit to her? I'm here but I don't even know what fucking room she is in." I rant, desperate for answers.

Lando huffs loudly before asking, "What's her name? I can look her up and try to figure it out."

"Katana Riley. She's a short brunette with dimples and hazel eyes and a black cat named-"

"Moose?" Lando asks, cutting off my incoherent rambling.

"Yes, Moose. Did you find her? Please tell me you can help me." I beg, not knowing why I did this to myself.

I can hear him typing aggressively on his phone before he speaks again, "Yes, I believe so. Give me a second." A moment of silence passes before he breaks it once again. "Friend named Camryn?"

"Yes! That's her, now find me the fucking room, Lando!" I shout, growing eerily impatient.

"God man, give me a second. Camryn is gorgeous though." The last part came out in a slight mumble, but now is not the time for this. My impatience is running very thin and I am half tempted to jump out of the car and bang on every door until I find her.

Landos' voice startles me out of my little trance when he says, "3B" with no other context.

Angrily, I state, "That better be her room number because I don't have time for this."

"No shit it's her room number. Let me know what happens, Charles. I'm worried about your dumbass." The phone clicks silent, once again signaling to me that I've been hung up on.

I swing the door open and jump out of my car as fast as possible, not even worrying about locking the doors. Rushing into the building, with very minimal security might I add, I make my way to the third floor and find the right door.

The "3B" that labels the door is falling off slightly. After taking in a deep breath in an attempt to calm myself down, I finally decide to knock. I can hear some movement inside the door, but after a few seconds, I decided to knock again.

"Just a second!" I hear, calling front the other side of the door. The voice is broken up and muffled, but it is definitely Katana. I need to make sure that I thank Lando for this later, but that's not my problem right now. After another three seconds of waiting, which felt like an eternity, my heart started to slow down and my breathing returned to normal.

The lock on the door began to turn and there my heart goes, speeding up again. This girl is going to cause me a heart attack.

Katana opens the door slightly before letting out a loose, "Oh," and attempting to close it once again. I manage to grab the door before she closes it, thank god for driver reflexes, and hold it open so that she can't close it.

Begging, I say, "Please, let me explain. I don't even know why I did it, I just want to explain."

She sighs before letting the door go, accepting defeat. When she opens the door more, I realize that she has been crying. Her eyes are more green than usual and her face is pink and puffy. The sight of her tears hurts me more than I knew could hurt, maybe because I caused them or maybe just because I never want to see this girl hurt.

Her voice cracks as she starts to speak, "So you lied, about literally everything. And you think that you can just show up and make it all better? You are a stranger, who forced your way into my heart, and now my home."

The pain in her voice has me flinching and before I could even speak, she starts again. "What was the point? Did you want to hurt me? Is this some little game that you and your friends like to play? At least you didn't lie to me about their names. I looked you up, Charles Leclerc."

"I never wanted to hurt you, I never wanted this to happen." I plead, but she cuts me off again, her hurt showing more than ever.

"You never wanted to hurt me? What the fuck is that supposed to mean when you lied! About everything!" She's shouting now, blatantly angry.

Searching for anything that can help me, I finally speak again. "You looked me up? Okay, then where was I born? Monaco. What happened to Jules? The same thing I said. I didn't lie about everything Katana."

Her frustration with me being right has her even madder to the point where she begins pushing me out of the room. Every time she plants her hands on my chest, I take a step back at her command. She hits me one after the other, tears flowing out of her eyes. This doesn't stop until one last push has me tripping out of the door.

Pleading, begging, anything I can muster up. "Please Katana. Please don't shut me out right now."

Angrily, she shouts, "I don't even know who you are!" Her hands flailed in the air with disbelief.

"Yes, you do," I say, slightly angered. "I might have lied about my name and job. But I never, never, lied about who I am. You know who I am, you just don't know what to call me. You know that I love Ferrari, you know that I love Socca for breakfast, you know that I love helping you brush your hair, you especially know that I love watching Teen Wolf with you..." I let a moment of silence drop between us, searching her face for any hint of forgiveness and finding nothing but sadness. My voice is lighter now as I begin to speak again. "You know that I love the way your body fits perfectly in mine, you know I love the way your lips feel against mine, and you know..."

I don't know what happened in the past two days, but this woman changed my entire life. "You know, that I love you, Katana. And nothing can change that."

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