Chapter Thirty-Nine

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The way Katana kept looking at me throughout the night had me craving every part of her. I didn't mean for things to get carried away at the docks, but once we started I couldn't stop. Pulling into the driveway of my apartment, her eyes go wide at the sight. I laugh slightly at the expression on her face and then rush over to her side of the car. Unbuckling her, I pull her into my arms once again and carry her through the entrance of the building, Using the elevator, I use her foot to push the button that takes us to the top floor and kiss her with need the second the doors closed around us. She immediately gave in to the kiss and her body melted in my arms, causing me to smile against her lips.

The doors open, allowing me to walk into the hallway that leads to my room. I set her down and open the door, motioning for her to walk in. Her mouth opens and her eyes are wide as she takes in my apartment. It's not a mansion, but it's not small either. She walks over to the white piano in the center of the room and presses a singular key, smiling when it makes a sound. I walk over to her and grab her hand before pulling her into me and stealing another kiss before moving her into the bedroom. She lets out a squeal as I pick her up and toss her onto the edge of the bed, removing her shoes and placing them on the floor.

"You're so beautiful," I say as I kneel on the floor in front of her. Her cheeks turn a bright pink as she begins to blush and become self-conscious. She crosses her arms over her chest and hides herself as she scoots away from the edge of the bed. "No no no, come back here," I say as I grab her ankles and pull her back to me.

She squeals and laughs heavily as I grab her waist and pull her to me, catching her lips in mine. Immediately she molds to me, pushing her body into mine as she wraps her arms around my neck. She pulls me onto the bed, laughing as I try not to fall on her. When I go to move on top of her, she pushes my shoulder back and rolls herself on top of me, causing me to groan in surprise. She smiles in response to the noise that I made and continues to kiss me hungrily. Her hands move toward the bottom of my shirt and breach the hem in order to make their way up my stomach. Her soft skin gliding against my stomach and chest causes my muscles to tighten from the butterflies she's causing. She pulls away from me, desires in her eyes as she grabs the bottom of my shirt and pulls it over my head before tossing it on the floor.

I take her sitting position as an opportunity to grab her by the waist and flip her onto her back. Her eyes go wide before she smiles deviously and pulls her shirt off, tossing it on the floor with mine. Every day she surprises me more, and every day I fall harder for her. I take her face into my hand as she deepens the kiss, allowing her tongue to breach my lips. My hand explores her slim waist, admiring every inch of her. I use that same hand to cup her breast, causing her to moan into my mouth. I might have just died of happiness right then and there because the sound she made was literal heaven to my ears.

Arching her back towards me, I use the moment to unclasp her bra. When I remove it, I admire the way her breasts lay against her chest. Everything about her is perfect, she could be wearing a hazmat suit and I would still find her beautiful. I use my hand to turn her face away, bringing a kiss to her cheek, and then her earlobe, moving further downward. She groans when I place a kiss on her collarbone, breathing in deeply causing her chest to rise to my face. I continue kissing down her body, drawing a line down her chest, between her breasts, and to her belly button. I work my way back up, cupping her breast with one hand and doing anything I can to have her make that noise again.

Impatience must be growing strong within her because she places a hand on my chest and pushes me onto my back before allowing herself to straddle me. "I want you," she says breathlessly before placing a kiss at the apex of my throat. She uses one hand to hold herself up and the other to run a finger through the divots of my abs.

"Say you want me in ways other than this," I reply, not wanting to give this up once the morning comes. She hesitates, but then she grabs my face and says, "I want you in every way possible. Morning, day, and night, Charles Leclerc."


She lay next to me in the bed I've never let anyone else even see, let alone be vulnerable in. She broke down every wall that I thought I had before I met her, and she tore me apart. I would do it again any day of the week if it meant I got to lay here, next to her in my bed. Monaco is a city of dreams and mine is coming true right now.

I couldn't sleep after everything that happened today, so I lay here, taking in every second that I have with her. Hour after hour, her breathing remains steady. She rolls slightly, sometimes mumbling, but nothing out of the ordinary. Around three am, her breathing becomes more fast-paced and her head starts to warm up, leaving her cheeks pink. I grab her lightly and pull her into my body, whispering to her that she will be okay. A few seconds later, her breathing stills. She starts to cool back down and goes back to her normal breathing, causing my heart to nearly explode out of my chest when I realize what just happened. The only thing that stopped my nightmare about Jules was years and years of therapy, but I just stopped hers by simply being there. I place a kiss on the temple of her head and finally allow myself to sleep, knowing that she will be okay with me at her side.

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