Chapter Ten

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After probably way too many episodes of Teen Wolf and way too much food, I decided to check my phone. I have 32 unread texts and 18 missed calls from Camryn, which isn't surprising, but my reminders app just went off.

"Oh shit! Can you take me home? I totally forgot about him, he's going to kill me." I say in a panicked rush. Moose is going to kick my ass when he realizes I am 30 minutes late to feed him. He knocked a glass of water onto my head while I was asleep last week because I was two minutes late, let alone thirty! I'm rushing out of bed to gather my very minimal things and before I process what was actually said to Theo, he says, "He?"

The confusion and fear on his face leave his eyebrows raised with a few wrinkles on his forehead. His arms are crossed as he makes himself look smaller, his head undoubtedly running everywhere with the little bomb I just dropped on him.

"Oh god, I'm sorry. My cat Moose, he was supposed to get fed 30 minutes ago and his wrath is scary." I say, trying to ease Theo's concerns. His face lights up as he chuckles lightly, relieved.

"Jesus Christ, I thought you were about to tell me you had a boyfriend this whole time... I guess I never really asked though. Uhm, you don't have a boyfriend right?" Theo's face is now back to confused and stressed because of his crazy thoughts.

"No boyfriend, none of them have survived Moose's wrath. Can you take me home though, please? I really need to make sure he didn't burn the place down" I state, calming his nerves once again.

"Yeah, let's go," Theo says as he gathers himself. We take one step toward the door before he asks, "Wait, what time is it?"

"It's 3:30, why are you frozen right now?" I ask, standing behind his completely frozen body.

"My coworkers, I don't really want them to harass you. Is it okay if I make sure everything is clear before we head out?" He says nervously, his arms are almost shaking and his knuckles are white at the tightness of his grip on his phone. Maybe he just doesn't want them to see me...

"Yeah, that's fine," I say, now in my own head about the situation. I'm probably just overthinking it, that's all. He's totally not hiding me from all of his friends because he's embarrassed by me.

"One sec." He says, before walking out of the room.

What felt like hours later, was quite literally two minutes. Theo walks back in with a smile on his face and says, "Car is started and warmed up, after you, my dear."

I take a step into the empty hallway and wait for him to follow behind and begin to lead the way. As Theo walks up to my right side, he takes his left hand and places it against my lower back to direct me toward the elevator. Inside, my brain is screaming about how fine, sexy, and salivating this man is, but on the outside, I am playing it cool. Or so I thought, until he says, "Your face is hot pink."

Immediately, I avert my gaze to the floor to hide my face. That causes him to chuckle lightly, but his hand never strays. Theo uses his opposite hand to call for the elevator. We both step in silently, and my gaze is still attached to the floor. The elevator pings as he presses the button to the first floor. I can feel the heat of his eyes on me before he removes his hand from my back and moves it to my face.

"Look at me." He says as he uses his hand to lift my chin and I meet his gaze. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, it's just cute when you blush." He says nervously.

My heart is beating out of my chest and my hands are getting all clammy when I manage to say, "I just get embarrassed easily, that's all."

A smirk touches his mouth before he says, "Yeah I know, Juliet." Our eyes lock in on each other for a split second, and then he leans in and places a kiss on my cheek. After he drops his hands from my face and returns to the small of my back as the elevator doors open and we step out.

The rest of the walk to the car was completely silent. His hand lifts off of my back as we near the car, leaving my back cold and exposed to the elements of the eighty-degree sun. It's insane how comforting and warm the hand of a stranger could be. Theo reaches past me and opens the door of his car, and grabs my hand to help me get into the deep seats of the low car. Once I'm all settled, he says, "Watch your feet," before making his way to the driver's side and getting in with ease.

"Do you remember how to get there?" I ask, before adding, "And can you get us there without any pedestrian deaths?" I will never let it go, the man almost crushed me with his car. One day later and now I'm afraid he's going to crush my heart.

"Yes I remember, and that's no fun. My car performs very well over speed bumps, living or not." He says with a beaming smile and a hard laugh.

"You're crazy, you know that?" I ask, laughing in return.

"Of course I know that, but you're the one who came to a hotel with a man you just met. That makes you the crazy one in this relationship." Theo shoots back. The casual mentioning of any relationship between us has my heart skipping a beat in both weary and excitement. I mean hell, I have been single for entirely too long and if all it took was a trip to Target, I'll take it as a win.

"Yeah, I'm definitely crazy for that one. But a man who buys me breakfast? That's a man I would get murdered by without complaints." I say, jokingly.

His eyes light up as the response hits his head and without hesitation, he says, "But you complained last time I almost killed you!"

A moment of us laughing passes the time, but as we near my apartment I know the time is running out. I can tell he does as well because he asks, "Do you work tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I work from 5 am to 1 pm. How long are you staying in Miami anyways?" I ask, not wanting to know the answer. Fuck, he lives in a different country and I just fell for this man.

"I leave next Monday. But I work Thursday-Sunday..." he says as silence stretches until he pulls into the parking lot.

    Without thinking, I say, "I really like you, Theo." He slightly flinches before saying in response, "I like you too, Katana. I don't know how this could work though. I travel so much for work." His voice sounds defeated, "I mean, fuck." His words come out breathy as he brushes his hand through his hair, leaving it messy as I like it.

    "Come with me?" he says, not believing his own words.

"I'm sorry, what?" I say in disbelief. "Look this is a lot, but I want you to know I really do like you. When can I see you again?" I ask, defeated and a little heartbroken over such a short time.

"I will pick you up from work tomorrow. Okay?" He asks, almost pleadingly.

"Okay," I say. "Text me when you get home?" I ask. Hoping this won't be the end of what we have, but not knowing what the hell would happen.

"Of course. Let me get the door." Theo says as he steps out of the car to help me.

"I appreciate you so much," I say to him after he closes the door behind me. He takes a step closer, closing the already small distance between us causing our bodies to press against each other. Without hesitation, Theo grabs my face and brings his down into mine, finally stealing a kiss. The kiss is slow and needy like we both needed it more than we realized. One hand is against the small of my back, pulling us together as the other is on my cheek, controlling the kiss. My hands are around his neck, helping bring me up to his height. Theo pulls back, resting his forehead against mine, and groans, "Fuck," before adding another peck to my lips.

After a moment of catching our breath and holding each other, we finally separate and say our goodbyes. Theo waits to drive off until I get to the building's entryway, and as soon as I do, I pull my phone out and call Camryn. After one ring, she picks up and screams, "I thought you were dead hoe!"

Immediately I respond with, "Cam, I swear I just fell in love."

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