Chapter Eighteen

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Watching the practice was utterly amazing. The team was so good at communication with Lando and their strategies seemed to work very well considering the placement at the end. My day had gone from zero to ten, and then back to zero when I made eye contact with him. The conversation we're engaged in now proves that he is just trying to egg me on, and it's working.

"Sorry, I'm not nervous, just a little enthused by the trill of today. Good job out there!" I say to Charles, trying to end the conversation before it can start.

Charles winks before talking and that just tells me to prepare for the dumb shit he's about to say right now. "I just had some extra luck today is all, maybe it comes from the pretty girl in front of me dressed in Ferrari red." Ew. Gross. Kinda smooth, but I'm still mad at him.

Trying to come up with anything to get me out of this situation, I decide, "That's sweet. Anyways, I think I left my lanyard at the McLaren trailer, I should head back and get it." I fake look around, knowing it's still in the car, and then point my thumb toward the garage exit.

Camryn frowns lightly before offering to go with me, but before I can agree, Charles cuts her off.

"I can walk you," He offers. Luckily, I turned my head before I rolled my eyes so hard that I could see my brain. Cam is so ungodly lucky that I love her. Plus, I need to set this man straight before we have another run-in like this.

"Oh, yeah that works. Thanks," I reply before walking ahead of him and not looking back. Thank god everything is in the same direction because I have no idea where I'm going. I hear him jog lightly to catch up and he moves ahead of me to open the doors of the exit. Once we're out and free of peering eyes, I stop harshly and turn around to ask him, "What the fuck are you doing, Charles?" His eyes are wide in shock and my voice is sharp.

"I need to talk to you, I want to explain everything. Please just hear me out," he begs. I could care less if he was on his knees begging; he hurt me, and the part that hurts the most is that I still care for him.

Getting ahold of myself, I snap back with, "No. You lied to me. Like big time. How do you expect me to just forget about that?"

He steps back in shock, before continuing, "I don't expect you to forget, I expect you to forgive after you hear me out. Please just come back to my trailer and we can talk in private." Those last words of his come out quieter and harsher than I expected, but I see his eyes focus on something behind me. "Don't turn around, the Netflix crew is behind you and they would eat this up. Please just come with me," He says in a concerned tone.

Sighing lightly, "I am only following you right now because the idea of being on television makes me want to vomit. Hurry up, let's go." He has a faint smile as he takes my hand in his and directs us to the Ferrari trailer. When we arrive, it is very similar to the McLaren one but significantly redder. They're really obsessed with that color might I say. He directs me to a room with his name on the door without acknowledging the stares we receive from everyone in the trailer. Once he closes the door behind me, I snatch my hand out of his and make my way to the opposite side of the tiny room, leaving my shoes at the entrance out of respect.

"Okay, you got me here. Now say what you need to say," I prod at his silence.

"I want you. I've wanted you from the second I saw you. When you acted clueless about Formula One, I thought that I could just forget about my fame and be someone else with you. While that was the stupidest thing I've done, it doesn't change the fact that I have had only good intentions with you. I get that nothing I say will make you forget or even instantly forgive, I just want a second chance at this. At us." The look in his eyes as he speaks has me wanting to die right then and there. His face looks so concerned and worried that I'll say no. His green eyes are shining brighter than ever and they're sucking me in. After a few moments of contemplation, I get ahold of myself and allow my brain to clear off the fog his beautiful face has created.

"I can't. Maybe sometime in the future, but right now it's just too soon. The pain is still fresh and I just don't know what to do with my real life, let alone my love life." Any sign of hope in his eyes has diminished, but he holds himself together strong despite the pain in his face. His eyes are his biggest tell, but I won't tell him that.

Disappointment sets in before he begins to speak again, "Oh. It's okay, I understand. I can walk you to the other trailer now if you'd like-"

A knock causes the both of us to jump, startled. Our eyes find each other out of panic before he lifts his finger to my mouth motioning for me to be quiet. The knock returns but this time it's followed by a voice.

"Hey, Charles. Netflix is here for the room tour and the pit crew said you were in here, you decent?" Someone announces on the other side of the door. This room is complete with a twin-sized bed, dresser, and closet. Not many places to hide and no places to sneak out.

"Oh fuck," He whispers into my ear. I don't remember when we got this close, but his arm is wrapped around mine, giving me comfort.

"I'm just getting changed, could I have a second?" He shouts to the voice on the other side of the door.

"What do we do?" I whisper in a panic. My body is frozen in the center of the room and I'm staring into those comforting green eyes for any hint of an idea.

"Do you think you could fit under the bed?" He asks.

"Probably, let me try," I respond, nodding my head in agreement.

After a quick examination, I get down on my knees and look up at Charles from my inappropriate position. His eyes go wide as if he can hear exactly what runs through my head, but the Netflix crew right outside of the door flashes me back into reality. The bed is only slightly lifted off the ground, but I can still fit under it. I position myself in the back corner and press against the wall as much as possible. "I'm in, push something in front of me," I announce to him, trying to ensure they won't catch me.

Charles is breathless, but responds with, "I'm so sorry, I'll try to get them out asap." He pushes a leather Ferarri jacket in front of me so that I'm fully concealed, and then opens the door.

"Hey! Sorry about that, I couldn't even get my race suit off. I apologize for the wait. Where should we get started?"

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