Chapter Twenty-Nine

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After my embarrassing breakdown earlier, I got my shit together and moved on. After packing everything up, I got Moose into his carrier and walked out the door for I don't know how long. Tapping my "3B," I look back at the door and lock it before taking my two suitcases down the hall. Charles helped me by carrying Moose and all his things, but he was less than content when I insisted on pulling my suitcases.

Arriving at the car, I look at Charles and ask, "How the hell are we going to fit this in the tiny ass car?" He smiles brightly before popping the trunk and fitting everything in perfectly. One more box and It wouldn't have worked, but surprisingly it was perfect. Moose sat in the front seat with me as Charles squeezed my hand and drove off.

"We're going to the airport to get your things on the plane and then we will get some sleep in the connected hotel before we fly out. Cam and Lando will meet us there in the morning if that's okay," Charles says blankly. I agree with the plan and we make the rest of the drive in silence. This day is bittersweet, but I can't deny my excitement to travel the world.


Camryn and Lando boarded the plane about 15 minutes after us. Their freshly washed hair and the fact that they are visibly bouncing at 4 am says that someone got a little rowdy last night. Camryn takes the seat next to me and Lando takes the seat next to Charles across from us. The four seats are facing each other but unlike regular plane seats, these are comfortable as fuck. I stretch my legs out by placing my extended feet onto Charles's legs and leaning back, looking Camryn in the eyes. He grabs my ankles and starts massaging my calves absentmindedly while holding a conversation with Lando about the next city.

I look Cam in the eyes and give her the, "You totally got fucked," look without saying anything. She smiles and breaks eye contact before leaning back in her seat and doing the same with her feet to Lando, who follows suit and starts massaging her legs as well.

"How was your night?" I ask the two people in the room with a post-sex glow. Camryn and Lando look at each other with big grins on their face before saying at the same time, "It was fine! How was your night?" I give them a little laugh before saying, "Moose did not have a good time, but that hotel bed had me knocked out." Charles follows up with, "I had to babysit the cat while she was knocked out, but I love him so it's fine." He squeezes my foot a bit and smiles at me lightly. "Where is Moose, anyway?" Lando asks. "He had to get drugged so he's knocked out in the other set of seats," I reply. Everyone shares a small laugh before a small minute of silence.

Lando must have been getting tired because, after a 30-minute conversation about Carlos's jet lag procedure, he shouts out, "Let's play a game. Everyone has iMessage games, right?" Everyone pulls out their phones and Lando starts a game of Crazy 8 between the four of us.

The game starts calmly, but Cam opens her mouth and says, "Katana is going to kick our asses," which starts a fucking riot. I understand that I am a bit too competitive sometimes, but these boys are worse.

People are yelling, Charles jumps every time he talks, Lando is screaming, "Are you having a laugh?" and Camryn is enjoying it all. When I win the first round, Charles shouts, "Best three out of five!" with Lando agreeing. Lando throws his phone down on the floor and tosses his head back before picking it back up and continuing on. Lando wins the second round and jumps up screaming, "Yes!" I won the following round and Charles screamed every time he placed a card, causing us to laugh too hard to function. Lando shot me a dirty look every time someone played a draw card on him. In the fourth round, Charles and I went back and forth with having one card until I finally won and the boys jumped up and grabbed me to pull me over to their side. I landed in Charles's lap while he tickled my sides and Lando grabbed my shoulders and shook me while saying, "How did you get so good?"

After we calmed down, I climbed back over to my seat and took a breather from the hardcore games. Cam looks at me and asks, "How are you doing?" I sigh in response and inform her, "It's hard but I'm also going to Italy. I mean, fuck, it's such a great opportunity. It just sucks a little." Nodding, Camryn says, "I know. Plus, I know you're worried about money and everything. We will get everything figured out, but first things first." She left off there, causing me to ask her what she means. She gives me the most devious smile and says, "We're going to make the paddock our bitch." The exhaustion must be hitting me because I cackled loudly before falling back and yawning. Both of the boys look at me and say, "Remember the rules!" before going back to their conversation.

"When are you guys going to be official, Mrs. Norris?" I ask quietly so that the boys don't overhear. Camryn starts to blush and looks over at Lando before leaning forward and tapping his shoulder. She stands up to whisper something in his ear and when they both get up, she winks at me and follows him into the other area. Look at her, joining the mile-high club like a grown-up. So proud.

Charles gets out of his seat and takes Camryn's old one before lifting the armrest in the middle and grabbing my legs so that I'm facing him with my legs draped across his body. My knees are against his chest with my feet resting on his thigh and his arm wrapped around my legs, holding them in place.

"Are you nervous?" Charles asks in a super sweet, quiet voice. I give him a little smile and yawn lightly before saying, "Definitely. But I'm so excited. I've never left the country before. Thank god Cam could get an express passport, I would have been fucked." He shoots me an adorable smile before saying, "I would have never left you behind, your too much of a good luck charm to leave." 

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