Chapter Thirty-Seven

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When I arrived back at the Ferrari trailer, I was determined to pack my things and leave. I was publically humiliated for not only having psychotic parents but also for causing Charles to stop racing and forfeit important points. Personally, I don't think I can show my face to the public ever again. I love being around Charles, and for a split second I thought we could be something, but I have too much baggage for him. I needed to get out of here, or at least that's what I told myself until Cam barged into the room.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" She asks, ripping the clothes I was stuffing into my suitcase out of my hands.

"I'm leaving. I can't be here anymore," I say, not wanting to relive the moment that will probably haunt me forever. She grunts and rolls her eyes before grabbing my shoulders and shaking me like a rag doll. "Katana, you're a fucking idiot," she says as she leans down to pick up the clothes that she threw on the floor. "Finish packing, but only because we leave for Monte-Carlo in the morning. You aren't getting out of this," Cam says assertively while staring me down with her expressive eyes.

Instead of moving to pack my things, I sit down and look at my feet before looking up at her and saying, "I can't be with him." Camryn shoots me a look of concern before sitting down next to me, "Yes you can, he doesn't regret stopping the race to be there for you." My heart starts beating faster as I run through the options in my head as to what I should say. Fuck, I think it's time.

"I haven't been honest with you, Cam. I met Charles before you introduced us..." I say, avoiding eye contact. The last thing I need to see right now is her disappointed face when I reveal that I've been lying this whole time.

"What are you talking about?" Cam says, a look of confusion in her eyes as she stares at me, gauging my reaction.

"Charles and I weren't getting along at first because he lied to me when we first met. He spent time getting to know me and honestly, it felt like love at first sight for a moment, but then I found out the truth," I drag on, avoiding what I need to say to her. She sighs and starts picking at the skin on her nail before I place my hand over hers to keep her from continuing. "What the hell aren't you telling me?" she asks, growing more impatient.

"Cam... Charles is Theo. He lied to me about his identity because I didn't know who he was. It was selfish and really hard for me to get over, but I didn't want to ruin things between you and Lando so we agreed not to tell you. It was stupid, I know. I'm really sorry, Cam," I plead to her. She looks so hurt and I can completely understand why. We each have our secrets, but blatantly hiding things like this from each other is new.

"Wait... we? Lando knew this whole time and neither of you told me?" Her voice becomes more stern and her face turns slightly pink while the anger flows in. Camryn stands up and runs her hands through her hair before walking slightly out the door and coming back.

"Get your shit together and get on the plane. Fuck you for not telling me, I could have been there for you. I pushed you towards him this whole time and you just let me. I need a minute to clear my head but if you go home, I will personally drag you back here. Forgive the man and give him a chance, I don't think I've ever seen you this happy and I won't let you ruin it. But next time, just tell me. I'll be there for you, no matter what." Her eyes turned softer with every word. I feel bad for lying to her, but I'm glad to know that things will be okay between us. All I know is that I need to finish packing and then I owe Charles a huge apology.


"You're still here," Charles's voice startles me as he enters the room. I spin around, dropping the shoe I was trying to maneuver into my suitcase, and take in the beauty before me. His hair is a mess as if he's been running his hands through it nonstop, his green eyes like a deep forest during the golden hour, his hands soft but calloused to show his hard work, and himself as a person. He stands in front of me with pain and confusion in his eyes, but when he opens his mouth to speak, I stop him.

"I'm staying. I'm so sorry for panicking earlier, I was just so embarrassed. I'm the reason you lost points and I'm the reason your fans are so angry. I thought I was too much baggage for you so I wanted to leave before I caused you more pain, and I-" My words are cut off by his body rushing towards me. His frame towers over me as he pulls me into him. He holds my face in his hands and kneels down so I'm looking down at him. His reaction has me more confused than ever, he looks almost scared and I don't know if I'm reading him wrong.

I go to speak again but this time he cuts me off by saying, "You could never be too much for me. You're everything I've wanted, Katana. I can't see myself with anyone in this world except for you, and if you want to keep denying that connection between us then fine. You can deny it forever, as long as you stay in my life. You're my best friend, even if you fight it every second of the way. But don't ever, ever, leave me. That would hurt me more than anything else you could ever do or say. Don't abandon me, and don't abandon the track. You love this place whether I'm here or not, don't sacrifice that over one bad day." My eyes start to swell with tears as he talks. My heart is beating in my throat when I say, "But they all know who I am now..." Charles cuts me off by saying, "Who cares? I want you and there's nothing they can do about it. Let them come up with lies and try to tear us apart, but in the end, it's you, that's all that matters."

I don't think he could be any more perfect, he truly is a dream. Charles wipes my tears and stands up, bringing me into a hug. After placing a kiss on the top of my head, he says, "C'mon, let's get everything ready to go for Monaco, I can't wait to show you my home." We work together to pack everything up, leaving only what we need for the plane ride. They're right, I don't know how much longer I can deny how I truly feel about him.

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