Chapter Six

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As soon as we arrived at his hotel, I couldn't tell if I was terrified or impressed. Maybe both? I still believe that he is truly a bad driver, but he's definitely got some need for speed in that little head of his. I was either screaming or laughing the whole time, but I can't lie and say that it wasn't fun. Plus, somehow I survived.

It wasn't until he asked, "Are you okay?" that I realized that I was still frozen in place with my hand locked on the door handle and my body pressed against the seat.

"Wow." Is all that manages to come out of my mouth. In response, he cocks his head and looks at me for a moment before laughing. At the moment, I take in how beautiful his face is. He has sweet dimples on either side of his bright smile and his green eyes thrive in the sunlight, revealing flecks of gold that take my breath away.

While taking a moment to gather myself, I then ask, "Are you rich or something because this hotel is like $1,000 a night?" Not sure what possessed me to say such a thing but I still did.

"My work set me up here. We travel a lot, so they pay for the hotels with food service so they don't have to cover our grocery bills." That actually seems pretty smart.

"Wait, we?" I ask, sort of panicked. I really don't wanna die right now, the drive was fun and all but I can walk home...

"Don't worry," He says while laughing lightly, "My coworkers are staying with me, but not in the same room so there's nothing to stress about." It's almost as if he knew I was terrified, but it could have been the absolute exasperated look on my face that screamed "red flag".

Theo mentioned being from Monaco, so he definitely has a decent line of work if they are flying him to Miami. Curious, I ask, "What do you do for work anyways?"

He musters up a smile before saying, "We can continue our 20 questions game inside. Are you able to peel yourself off of that seat or do you need help?"

"Haha, so funny. I got it." I shoot back sarcastically while flipping him off. Theo gets out of the car while I'm still unbuckling and opens my door for me while leaning down to make eye contact before he reaches a hand out towards me. I take his hand and he helps me maneuver out of the car without stepping on the side skirts. This car is unusually low to the ground, so I struggled more than I probably should have. Embarrassing. After taking a moment to look me up and down, he lets my hand go before motioning for me to walk towards the hotel with him.

The hotel is a giant black building, covered mainly in windows that you can't see anything through. There is big gold lettering along the side and the front entrance has an awning, along with a carpet and valet service waiting outside. Instead of walking towards that entrance, we head for the side door where he scans a keycard to let us in. Theo opens the door and lets me inside before him, but I wait for him to get in front of me once again since I have no idea where we're going. The hallways are decorated in a minimalistic type of way with very little on the walls. There are dark gray walls with green accents and plants placed in every corner. While admiring me, he brings me up a small flight of stairs before we get on the elevator.

After pushing the button for the top floor, Theo looks at me and says, "Are you okay, Katana? You look really nervous." His concern is sweet really, but I'm fairly certain that it's just how my face looks.

"Oh! I'm great! I was just admiring how beautiful the building is." I say to ease his concern. His brows are drawn together and his right hand is grabbing the opposite wrist as he leans against the elevator wall. "Okay good," he says. "I didn't want you to be uncomfortable."

The soft words bring me comfort since he is blatantly expressing his concerns. The elevator dings, and opens the door to an empty hallway.

"My door is right up the hall to the left," he states before motioning me forward. As I walk, the voices carrying through the doors get louder. I swear someone just yelled, "Carlos, don't drink out of my shoe!" Before I can ask what is going on, he explains that his coworkers are having a party next door and they're sad that he bailed so we have to be quiet while going inside. The fact that he bailed on a party for me was enough to have me just following along at his command.

After we sneak inside, I start giggling for absolutely no reason. "I felt like a kid, sneaking back into my parent's house after a night out." His face when I say that is a mixture of amusement and surprise. He smiles and states, "You don't seem like the sneaking out type."

"Oh, you don't have any idea, Romeo," I say while falling back onto his bed. To no surprise, this man is set up in a perfectly kept room with a wall of windows and a small kitchen with an actual oven.

"Oh? Then tell me, Juliet." He says in a voice that has me swooning. We make eye contact and after a moment, I move toward the top of the bed so that I can lean against the headboard.

"My parents were super strict, so I used to climb out of my bedroom window at night. I never went to parties or anything, I would just walk down the road to this little lake and lay on the pier. At first, it was creepy, but eventually, you got used to the noises of nature. The stars were so vibrant, so it was just me and the sky out there. It was the ultimate getaway from everything."

"That seems so relaxing," he replies. "My parents didn't necessarily care where I was since we lived in a nice neighborhood. I never had a place like that at home, but I have one now but I don't think I'm ready to share that with you just yet."

The way he's talking has me thinking about the future, but I'm just getting ahead of myself. This is our first conversation but I am successfully head over heels. Maybe Moose is right, I am insane. 

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