Chapter Thirty-Eight

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The flight to Monaco was fairly short and simple. Charles reviewed data from the race while I finished reading an enemies-to-lovers Wattpad story. Cam and Lando are going through a rough patch due to our secrets, which I feel horrible about, but she needs some time to get over it. She spent the entire flight with her face in her phone while he stared at her longingly, waiting for her to change her mind about being mad. At one point, he pulled me aside for help, but I didn't have much of an idea since we hadn't fought like this before.

When we arrived in Monaco, Charles seemed more excited than ever to show me around. He was bouncing with energy and his smile was brighter than ever before. He practically pushes Camryn and Lando out of the plane and drags me out with him. I give Camryn a hug and apologize once again and we split ways while Charles pushes me into a car and we drive in the opposite direction of the track. The city is absolutely gorgeous, I've never seen anything like it. The smell of the air is salty from the water, but not in the same way as in Florida where the salt invades every pore on your body and burns your nose. This air is fresh and free.

We arrived later in the day, with the sun setting in just a few short hours. Charles sits behind the wheel, more handsome than ever as he navigates the streets of Monaco. After about thirty minutes or so of driving, we arrive at a boating dock. "What are we doing?" I ask Charles, not wanting to get on another boat for a long time. I think he can see my hesitation when he laughs lightly and gets out of the car without a word. He makes his way over to my side and reaches his hand out for me to take and says, "Don't worry, we're staying out of the water this time. I have a surprise." My chest tightens at the way his voice sounds, so silky and husky in the same way. My heart flutters when he looks at me, causing me to wonder how I managed to get someone well out of my league. I start to get self-conscious when I think about all of the models and celebrities that he could have been with, but instead, he is here, walking me down a dock with a beaming smile on his face.

"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" he asks, causing my body to melt at the sound of his voice. He looks at me with concern when I reply, "I was just thinking about how you are totally out of my league." He breaks into laughter and places his hand on his stomach before saying, "If anyone is out of a league, it's you. You're the most gorgeous girl I've laid eyes on." A smile spreads across my face as he takes my hand again and we continue walking. "Is that why you almost ran me over? You were too busy staring at me instead of the road," I joke. He looks down at me and says quietly, "You will never let that go, will you?" We both laugh slightly and continue down the wooden path.

Everything is so easy with him, the laughs, the smiles, the way my heart flips when he talks, it's just so good. I spot something at the edge of the dock and when I notice it, Charles looks down at me and squeezes my hand lightly before winking and continuing on like he didn't just cause my heart to explode. I swear this man wants me to go into cardiac arrest because when I see what he has set up for us, I nearly choke. There is a blanket covering the wooden boards with some pillows and a basket in the center. All sorts of fruit and amazing food are placed in and around the basket, topped off with three bottles of DR3 wine and two gorgeous crystal glasses.

"Oh. My. God. You did this? You did this for me?" I ask, struggling to find all of the words. He smiles brightly before motioning for me to take a seat. "I figured it was time for us to go on a real date, I wanted to do something special while we're here," he says while placing all of the food out in front of us. The sun slowly sank into the sky, painting the clouds with an array of colors. I grab a bottle of red wine and attempt to open it, but find myself struggling because for once, I'm nervous in front of him.

"Here, let me help." He takes the bottle from me and opens it with ease. Popping it open, he pours a glass for each of us and I take that as a cue to down the entire glass. The look he gives me is both admiration and lust before he does the same to his glass and tops them off to the rim. He shoots me another mind-blowing wink and then goes on to explain each of the foods he decided to bring.

After an amazing meal and two and a half bottles of wine, the sun had completely set and the air was still and warm. The only sounds around me were our laughter and the water brushing against the boats and wooden supports for the dock. I am sat between Charles's legs, our feet hanging off the pier and in the cool water while I'm leaning back into his chest. I close my eyes, taking in the amazing moment that we are sharing. When I open them, I look up at Charles who is already looking down at me with those expressive eyes and his sweet dimples.

"I'm so glad that you're here with me, Katana," he says, in a lustful, deep voice.

"I'm glad too," I say, smiling back at him. I sit up to face him and he helps maneuver my body to where I'm sitting in his lap with my legs wrapped around him. I wrap my arms around his neck as I look into his eyes. He leans forward slowly and brings me into a slow, deep kiss. Something sweet and simple, exposing his feelings for me in a way that you only see in the movies.

"I want to share my world with you, and I want to share you with my world," he says breathlessly, our lips barely touching as he speaks. Not saying anything, I pull myself closer to him bringing our lips together as we kiss in a hungry, needy manner. I feel his body pull back, moving away from the edge of the water as he crosses his legs under me, bringing me up higher against him. He moves his hands from my waist and brings them to the ends of my shirt, hesitating there.

He pulls back from me, both out of breath and just as he opens his mouth to speak, a loud sound boomed in the distance. I jump and pull my face into his neck, hiding from the boom that just scared me half to death. He laughs loudly, "They're just fireworks, love. The city is alive tonight knowing that the drivers are here." I laugh lightly at myself, embarrassed that I thought a firework was a gunshot, but that's the American in me. He holds me tight as we watch the fireworks.

"Come on, let's go home," he says, pulling me up off the dock and pulling me into his arms. I squeal as he pulls me into a wedding-style hold and carries me down the dock. I place a kiss on his cheek and let him carry me the rest of the way to the car, where another car meets us to take us back. I look at him with confusion before he says, "I called a driver because I drank, someone will come to pick up the picnic and bring back my car." I smile at his thoughtfulness, most people would just get in the car and drive. Once he places me in the car, he buckles my seatbelt and kisses me long and deep before rushing to get in on the other side and signaling for them to take us "home."

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