Chapter Fifteen

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After a few days of laying in bed, eating way too much junk food, and watching way too many episodes of random shows, Friday is upon us.

"Practice one, baby!" Camryn screams at me from my closet. She basically moved in with me these past couple of days and refused to let me return to work. The company has been great, but I definitely regret it right now as she throws clothes at me demanding that I get up and try them on again.

Lying in bed, my entire body engulfed in the covers, I groan back at her, "Girl didn't we do this the other day? I can't put all of these clothes on before we go. Theres not enough time in the day!" Just as the words come out of my mouth, the clothes stop flying and the covers get ripped off of me. "Get up!" Camryn yells.

"Okay! I'm getting up. Jeez, you're like a drill sergeant. You would thrive in boot camp." I say in response. I already got up and ran this morning, so when I stand again my legs feel like jelly. It's already 11 am, but the practice starts at 2:30 pm.

She pulls out her phone and brings up the notes app before speaking. "Practice starts at 2:30 but we are going to the paddock at like 12:30 because Lando has a press conference with Ferrari and Red Bull until around that time. When we get there, I have to, one, make sure you look hot, and two, text him so he can save us from the fangirls."

Shocked that she actually has a plan, I gasp and throw my hands over my mouth with fake surprise. "Oh my god, Camryn you are in loveeeee if that man has you actually planning your day. What happened to my little unorganized bestie?"

Her face turns pink, doing nothing to mask her embarrassment before she yells, "Shut up!" and pushes me down onto the bed. I let the force of her push bring me down and flop back onto the bed before she drags me right back up and throws one completed outfit at me. I can tell she's about to tell me to go try it on, but before she can speak, I lift the clothes and walk to the bathroom. In response to my actions, she mumbles, "You're so smart." before I close the door to the bathroom behind me.

The outfit she laid out for me is definitely something out of Camryn's closet. The top is a cropped white tank with thick straps and a square neckline to help contain my chest. It's paired with a pair of bright red flared leggings that accentuate my curves. The pants are high-waisted, but the top is just cropped enough that a slight sliver of my stomach is exposed. The shoes she picked out are strappy white sandals that sport my red-painted toes and she gave me a simple silver necklace to wear. The entire outfit is very flattering to my body type so I can admit she achieved her goal, I look good.

After about ten minutes of staring at myself in the mirror, I walk out and see Cam dressed similarly to me. She has the same clothes, but instead of white and red, her top is black while her leggings are orange. "Why the color difference?" I ask, considering red and orange aren't very flattering to each other. The devilish smile that pops up on Cams' face has me wanting to run for the hills before she says the exact thing I didn't want to hear.

"We're supporting two different teams, dummy!" She says. "I'm dressed for McLaren because that's Landos team, and you're dressed for Ferrari because I feel like you'll definitely think the drivers are hot. The best way to get over a lying target guy is to get under a hot racing guy!"

As the words leave her mouth, my jaw drops in shock. Of course, she would think I think Charles is hot, that's because I do! My thought process of not telling her about him is really biting me in the ass right now.

Camryn claps her hands, gives Moose a pat, and then grabs the keys before saying, "Let's go, woman! I'm ready to meet my dream man!" She bounces up and down as she speaks, causing me to laugh at her pure joy.

"Alright, alright!" I say before walking out the door, pressing my "3B" for luck as we set my fate.


As we pull into the parking lot that Lando sent us to, Camryn puts the car into park and then messages him before squealing at me.

"Ohmygodi'mabouttomeetLandoNorrisandheactuallylikesme!" She squeals inaudibly.

"Okay, for one, that made no sense. Two, girl breathe because if you act like that, he's going to run like the wind." I say, trying to get her to stop squealing at a decibel level I can barely hear.

She sucks in a deep breath and calms her pulse before turning to me slowly and saying, "Let's do this shit."

Smiling, I make direct eye contact with her and say, "Good, because there is a man who is totally you're type walking up to the car right now." She opens her door, motioning for me to do the same. As I get out of the car, I close the door behind me and hear Camryn introducing herself. By the time I make it around the car, walking slowly to give them a second, they're embraced in a hug. Camryn breaks apart before saying, "And this is Katana! She's my package deal if you couldn't tell."

"It's so nice to meet you! I've heard a lot." I say, attempting to make this interaction not awkward.

"You as well! Ferrari huh?" Hinting at my outfit. "She did tell you we're going to McLaren headquarters, right?" He says with a smile.

Lando is a bit taller than Camryn and I, who both stand at 5'3", leaving him to be about 5'6" with adorable short, brown curly hair. He has a bright smile with adorable smile lines at the base of his nose. Definitely having come from a press conference, he's dressed up in a McLaren polo and nice jeans.

"Of course, I told her, but I had her dress up in hopes of catching someone else's eye," Camryn tells him with a wink. A twinge of confusion shows in his eyebrows as he makes direct eye contact with me, causing me to believe that he knows about Charles. In response, I widen my eyes and tilt my head slightly as the universal sign of, "Don't say a word." I get a slight nod of understanding before he looks at Camryn and asks, "You ready to go?"

A bright smile lights up her face as he directs her towards the McLaren trailer with his hand placed on her lower back. I reluctantly follow her, but all I can think is, "What the hell did I just get myself into?"

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