Sasuke pictures

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Kayda: So Kakashi will be showing the pictures of Sasuke 

Sasuke: NOOOOO

Sasuke's family: Okay

Kakashi: Yeeesss ( I am so going to make Naruto pass out on the floor.)

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*Naruto pass out on the floor

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*Naruto pass out on the floor.*


* Orochimaru is laughing his ass about it*

Mikoto: Naruto wake up we are only two pictures in and you pass out already.

* Naruto wakes up then walks up to Orochimaru and slaps him in the face.*

Naruto: Don't laugh at me cause you did with pervy sage.

* Sakura laughs at Naruto's comment.*

Sakura: I'm sorry but let's continue with the pictures 

Sakura: I'm sorry but let's continue with the pictures 

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Itachi: Look how cool Sasuke looks

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Itachi: Look how cool Sasuke looks

Mikoto: Wow! 

Mikoto: Wow! 

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Fugaku: What's with the snake

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Fugaku: What's with the snake.

Sasuke: I have a summoning contract with them.

Fugaku: Okay.

Fugaku: Okay

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Naruto: How do you look better than me teme

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Naruto: How do you look better than me teme.

Sasuke: I don't know dobe.

Sasuke: I don't know dobe

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Kakashi: We'll, that all the pictures of Sasuke

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Kakashi: We'll, that all the pictures of Sasuke.

Sasuke: Yesss so who is going next 

Kayda: The person who is going next is Kurama

Naruto(Kurama): Nooooo. Fuck you Kakashi

Kakashi: I didn't do shit

Naruto(Kurama): I know but I can't say fuck you to Kayda so your next best thing.

Kakashi: Fuck you Kurama

Obito: What the fuck!

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