Fugaku pictures

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Kayda: Mikoto could you show the pictures of your husband.

Mikoto: Sure

Mikoto: Sure

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Tsunade: Still stoic Fugaku

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Tsunade: Still stoic Fugaku.

Fugaku: Yes, Lady Tsunade.

Fugaku: Yes, Lady Tsunade

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Naruto: Now I know where Sasuke get his glaring trait from

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Naruto: Now I know where Sasuke get his glaring trait from. No offense Fugaku-san.

Fugaku: None taken Naruto.

Naruto: Your sharingan is interesting Fugaku-san.

Fugaku: What do you mean Naruto?

Itachi: What he means Father that the sharingan he sees are different.

Naruto: Exactly Itachi-san, all the sharingan users sharingan are different from each other. So like Sasuke's has a different pattern.

Fugaku: Oh I see.

Fugaku: Oh I see

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Minato: Still the same Fugaku

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Minato: Still the same Fugaku.

Naruto: I would like to see your fighting style Fugaku-san.

Fugaku: May I ask why?

Sasuke: Father, Naruto like to study different fighting styles.

Fugaku: That interesting. Sure you may see my fighting style.

Naruto: Thank you Fugaku-san.

Sakura: What beautiful family you have Fugaku-san

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Sakura: What beautiful family you have Fugaku-san.

Fugaku: Thank you Sakura.

Mikoto: That is all the pictures of Fugaku.

Kayda: Okay. The person who is going next is Obito.

Obito: Shit!

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