Tajima pictures

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Kayda: So Izuna already said that he will show Tajima-san pictures. 

Izuna: This will be fun.

Tajima: I love you Izuna but please be nice to your father.

Izuna: Okay Dad 

Naruto: Wow what beautiful family

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Naruto: Wow what beautiful family.

* Naruto when to Kakashi in tears.*

Kakashi: Naru look at me it's okay

*Naruto looks at Kakashi.*

Naruto: Kakashi do know my parents.

Kakashi: Yes, but I think Lady Tsunade tell you who your parents are.

Naruto: Okay

* Jiraiya looks at Tsunade with guilty face.*

Tsunade: Naruto, your parents are Minato Namikaze (Yellow Flash) and Kushina Uzumaki.

* Naruto ran to Minato and Kushina then hugged them. Then back to Kakashi.*

Minato/Kushina: Thank you Kakashi for care of our son.

Kakashi: Your welcome but Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and my little dragon saved me.

Kayda: Let's continue with Tajima pictures 

Kayda: Let's continue with Tajima pictures 

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Hashirama/Tobirama: A beautiful family

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Hashirama/Tobirama: A beautiful family.

*Hashirama and Tobirama are thinking that they wish they had family like theirs.*

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Kakashi: Wow Tajima-san you use a katana

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Kakashi: Wow Tajima-san you use a katana.

Tajima: Yes, I also saw that you Kakashi used a katana.

Kakashi: I did but I haven't pick up a katana since I was dismissed from the anbu.

Tajima: If you like to use a katana I could train you like Kakashi.

Kakashi: I would gladly take your offer.

Izuna: I only have one more picture.

Tajima: I am glad so this almost over.

Tajima: I remember this I was training Madara

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Tajima: I remember this I was training Madara.

Madara: I miss those days.

Izuna: That was the last picture of Dad.

Tajima: I am so glad.So who Is going next.

Kayda: The person who is going next is Orochimaru 

Orochimaru: Fuck nooo

Tsunade: This will be fun because I will show the pictures of Orochimaru.

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