The Battle part 2

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Mito looked at them with pure hatred. Her eyes burned with fury as she realized that her opponents had come together, their unity a force to be reckoned with. Mito knew that she would have to tap into her own hidden powers if she stood any chance against them. With a smirk, she unleashed her full strength, ready to give them a battle they would never forget. "Kurama, now get Madara, Izuna, Obito, Sasuke, Jiraya, Shikamaru, Kankuro, and Gaara out of here now!" Naruto yells as he lets out Kurama. As Naruto's command echoed through the air, Kurama's eyes widened in understanding. Without hesitation, he sprang into action, swiftly grabbing Madara, Izuna, Obito, Sasuke, Jiraya, Shikamaru, Kankuro, and Gaara one by one. With their lives entrusted to him, Kurama disappeared in a flash of crimson light, teleporting them to safety just in the nick of time. "Everyone else with me and follow my lead." Naruto shouts. As Naruto's allies gathered around him, their determination mirrored in their eyes, they prepared to face the impending battle head-on. With unwavering trust in Naruto's leadership, they followed his every move, ready to give everything they had to protect their village and defeat their enemies. Kurama came back to the battlefield and set up a telepathic link with the others. Through the telepathic link, Kurama shared vital information about the enemy's tactics and weaknesses, empowering Naruto's allies with a strategic advantage. With their newfound knowledge, they coordinated their attacks flawlessly, each member playing their part in the intricate dance of battle. Mito was caught off guard by the seamless teamwork and unwavering determination of Naruto and his comrades, realizing too late that they had underestimated the power of their unity. "Everyone, listen, Mito has to die, or if she gets Kayda, we are screwed." Kurama says. The urgency in Kurama's voice echoed through the minds of Naruto and his allies. They understood the gravity of the situation and knew that their mission's success depended on eliminating Mito. With unwavering resolve, they tightened their formation, ready to unleash their combined strength and put an end to the threat that stood before them. They all decided to attack Mito at once, coordinating their movements and attacks with precision. Naruto led the charge, his determination fueling his every move as he unleashed his most powerful jutsu. His comrades followed suit, each showcasing their unique abilities and skills in a synchronized assault. As they closed in on Mito, their unwavering resolve grew stronger, bolstered by the trust and camaraderie they had forged over countless battles. They knew that failure was not an option; their unity was their greatest weapon together.Mito only had a little bit of chakra left, and Kakashi took this chance to stab Mito, but as Kakashi attacked, Mito also stabbed Kakashi. The clash between Kakashi and Mito intensified, with their blades meeting in a resounding clash. The pain surged through Kakashi's body, but he refused to let it weaken his resolve. With one final surge of determination, he pushed through the pain and struck Mito with a decisive blow, ending the battle once and for all. The clash between Kakashi and Mito was intense, with both fighters refusing to back down. Despite the unexpected counterattack, Kakashi managed to land a critical blow on Mito, weakening her further. The team seized this opportunity, unleashing a final onslaught to ensure their victory. Madara, Izuna, Obito, Sasuke, Jiraya, Shikamaru, Kankuro, and Gaara enter the battlefield. Mito grabs Kakashi by his hair. "One final time, Madara, give me the girl and Hashirama, or this man dies!" Mito yells. "Madara, get everyone out here and don't look back." Kakashi shouts. "I'm not leaving you, Kashi." Obito yells. Kakashi's eyes darted between Mito and his comrades, a mixture of determination and concern etched on his face. He knew that their chances of survival were slim, but he couldn't bear the thought of Obito sacrificing himself for him once again. With a firm nod, Kakashi made up his mind. "Obito, go. Protect the others," he commanded, his voice filled with unwavering resolve. Obito hesitated for a moment before reluctantly nodding.Kakashi undoes his seal for his ears and tail. Kakashi stabs Mito, then activates Chidori and strikes her in the heart. Obito and Kayda return to see Mito dead on the ground and Kakashi standing with blood on his hand. "Fuck yes, we won, but Mama's chakra is low and about to fall Papa." Kayda says. Obito telports to Kakashi catches Kakashi. "It's over let's go back to the village." Obito yells as they head back to the village. "Brother, we are finally free!" Tobirama tells Hashirama. Hashirama smiled then said "We can finally get back with our lovers before Mito and her sister ruined our lives." Tobirama nods in agreement, relieved that their long-standing battle against Mito and her sister has finally come to an end. As they make their way back to the village, a sense of freedom and anticipation fills the air, knowing that they can now reunite with their loved ones and rebuild their lives without the burden of past conflicts.

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