Kurama pictures

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Kayda: So Naruto will be showing the pictures of Kurama.

* Naruto opens Kurama and let's Kurama out. Kurama going a human form.*

Kurama(human form): Hey MotherFuckers

Everyone(except team 7 and Kayda): Wow and we thought the nine- tails is scary.

Team 7: Oh no Kurama can be if you hurt us or Kayda and Kakashi. Despite how Kurama and Kakashi act they treat each other like family because we don't treat Kurama like a monster but like he is a part of the family.

Kakashi/Kurama: That's true.

Everyone(except team 7 and Kayda): Wow that amazing 

Naruto: let's start Kurama pictures 

Naruto: let's start Kurama pictures 

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Naruto: Badass Kurama

Team 7 (except Naruto): Agreed 

Sakura: Never piss off Kurama or you could end up dead

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Sakura: Never piss off Kurama or you could end up dead

Sakura: Never piss off Kurama or you could end up dead

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Kurama(human form): I remember the second picture

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Kurama(human form): I remember the second picture.

Tsunade: What happened Kurama?

Kurama(human form): Well, Lady Tsunade this is when Naruto still living in the crappy apartment he was lived in. Some random villager decided to come and beat up Naruto and it pissed me off so I pick up Naruto then take him to Kakashi's house for safety.

Tsunade: Okay thanks Kurama.

Tsunade: Okay thanks Kurama

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Team 7 (include Kakashi/Kayda): Thanks Kurama for protecting us

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Team 7 (include Kakashi/Kayda): Thanks Kurama for protecting us.

Team 7 (include Kakashi/Kayda): Thanks Kurama for protecting us

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Team 7 (include Kakashi/Kayda): Thanks Kurama for being there for us because we don't know where we would be without you

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Team 7 (include Kakashi/Kayda): Thanks Kurama for being there for us because we don't know where we would be without you.

Kurama(human form): Thanks for treating me like family instead of a monster.

Naruto: By the that's all the pictures of Kurama

Kurama(human form): Yesss so going next so they can suffer.

Kayda: The person who is going next is Sakura.

Sakura: Nooo cause Kayda is going show pictures of me.

Kayda: Yes I will without regret.

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