Orochimaru pictures

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Kayda: Tsunade will be showing Orochimaru pictures 

Tsunade: This will be fucking fun.

Orochimaru: I'm so fucked.

Orochimaru: I'm so fucked

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Jiraiya: You look cool Orochimaru

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Jiraiya: You look cool Orochimaru.

Tsunade: the snakes look like they are to kill.

Orochimaru: It because they were.

Orochimaru: It because they were

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Jiraiya: Since when did you smoke?

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Jiraiya: Since when did you smoke?

Tsunade: I agree with Jiraiya.

Orochimaru: Since Danzo told me to leave Konoha because the elders said that I was a danger to citizens of Konoha so I left Konoha and didn't look back. I decided to pretend to go rogue so I thought you and Jiraiya knew about it.

Tsunade: I didn't know that Danzo made you leave.


Tsunade: Jiraiya calm down we can solve this rationally.

Jiraiya: Fine, but if we can't solve this rationally. I'm killing him myself.

Kayda: let's continue 

Kayda: let's continue 

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* Jiraiya passed out on the floor and Kakashi is laughing his ass off about it

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* Jiraiya passed out on the floor and Kakashi is laughing his ass off about it.*

Madara: Jiraiya wake up we are not done yet.

* Jiraiya wakes up*

Naruto: Haha, Pervy sage passed out on the floor.

Jiraiya: let's continue please

Jiraiya: let's continue please

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Jiraiya: Wow Orochimaru you really like snakes

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Jiraiya: Wow Orochimaru you really like snakes.

Orochimaru:Well, they are great companions.

Tsunade: I done with pictures of Orochimaru.

Orochimaru: Fuck yess, so who is going next to suffer 

Kayda: The person who is going next is Tsunade

Tsunade: Nooo

Orochimaru: Sweet revenge

Tsunade: I so fucked.

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