The plan part 1🖤

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* Kayda woke up then when go wake the others. After wake them up.*

Kayda: Naruto ask Kurama to tell Shukaku to tell Gaara that Mama was taken and that we have a plan that includes Rock lee. Also tell Shukaku to Gaara to bring Yami and Hikaru.

* Kurama heard what Kayda said.

( Kurama: Shukaku tell Gaara that Kakashi was taken and that we have a plan that includes Rock lee. Also tell Shukaku to Gaara to bring Yami and Hikaru. Shukaku: Got it Kurama!)

* With Shukaku and Gaara*

Shukaku: Gaara we need to talk.

Gaara: What is Shukaku?

Shukaku: Kakashi was taken and Kayda and the others have a plan that includes Rock lee. Also you have to bring Yami and Hikaru.

Gaara: You had me at Rock Lee. Yami! Hikaru!

Yami/Hikaru: You called Kazekage.

Gaara: Yes, Grab Kankuro and Temari. Also pack you stuff your coming as welll.

Yami/Hikaru: Got it Kazekage.

* Yami and Hikaru left to pack their stuff and grab Kankuro and Temari.*

Gaara: Shukaku tell Naruto we are on our way and tell him make sure Rock lee doesn't get injured.

Shukaku: Got it!

( Shukaku: Kurama tell Naruto that we are on our way and Gaara said to make sure Rock Lee doesn't get injured. Kurama: Thanks Shukaku and will do. See you so Brother. Shukaku: Yeah see you soon Brother.)

* Back with Kayda and the others.*

Kurama(human form): Naruto, Shukaku said they are on their way and Gaara said to make Sure Rock Lee doesn't get injured.

Naruto: Thanks Kurama and got it!

Kayda: Let's go to the hokage office.

Everyone(except Kayda): Good Idea.

* When they got to the Hokage's Office and entered the office.*

Hiruzen: Tobirama-sensei!!

Tobirama: SHUT UP HIRUZEN! Now where is Danzo?

Hiruzen: Let me call him.

Hashirama: Please do. * Hashirama said with venom in his voice.*

* When Danzo arrived at the Hokage's Office.*

Danzo: Tobirama-sensei?

Tobirama: Of either of you want to explain to me why Team 7 is treated weapons? Also what to tell me what the hell is Fox hunt? Also why one of your students was told to leave and never come back?

* Hiruzen and Danzo stayed silent.*


Danzo: Shut up Uchiha!

Orochimaru: Oh hell no. You shut up Danzo after the bullshit you pull. SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Sasuke: Danzo you are on thin ice.

Hashirama: Hiruzen, Danzo answer my brother damn it!

Tajima: Tobirama asked you a question so answer it.

Hiruzen: Umm I don't know?


Itachi: Oh my god!

* Itachi put them under a genjutsu to tell the truth.*

Itachi: Lord Second, they will tell truth now.

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