The battle

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"Just give me the girl and Hashirama, Madara!" Mito yelled. "Why would I give you my granddaughter and Hashi?" Madara yelled back, activating his sharingan. Izuna activated his sharingan and hugged Tobirama. "No way in hell, I'm going with you, Bitch!" Kayda said. "That's my girl!" Team seven yelled. Mito's eyes narrowed, her determination unwavering. "Because if you don't, we'll make sure you regret it," she declared, her voice laced with a quiet fury. The tension in the air thickened as both sides prepared for an imminent clash, the fate of their loved ones hanging in the balance. "Neji, do it now." Naruto says. Neji runs up to Madara, Izuna, Obito, Sasuke, Jiraya, Shikamaru, Kankuro, and Gaara, then knocks them all out. The sound of bodies hitting the ground echoed through the battlefield, sending a shiver down everyone's spine. Neji's swift and precise movements left no room for doubt—their lovers were The team is safe and out of harm's way. The relief washed over them, mingling with the lingering tension, as they realized that Neji's actions had turned the tide of the battle in their favor. With their loved ones protected, a renewed determination filled their hearts, propelling them forward to face whatever challenges lay ahead. gave triumphant glances, knowing that they had just taken a crucial step towards securing victory. "Mito, you are not getting Kayda, but if you want a war, we will give you one." Sakura said it with an angry tone. The words hung in the air, fueling the fire of their resolve. They knew that they couldn't let Mito's threats go unanswered, and they were ready to fight tooth and nail to protect what was theirs. As they stared defiantly at Mito, a silent understanding passed between them—they were united in their determination to stand up against any challenge that came their way. "Fine, we will do this the hard way." Kakashi says it with determination. Mito's face twisted into a wicked grin, knowing that Kakashi and Sakura had just sealed their fate. She stepped forward, her voice dripping with malice. "You may think you're strong, but I assure you, I am not one to be taken lightly." The tension in the room escalated as the battle between these fierce adversaries was about to begin. Team seven, except Sasuke, took off their seals on their ears and tails. They were ready to unleash their full power and show Mito that they were not to be underestimated. Naruto's eyes glowed with determination, Sakura's fists clenched tightly, and Kakashi's Sharingan spun wildly. With a united front, they charged towards Mito, ready to prove that they were a force to be reckoned with. "So you really wanna play with us?" Rock Lee says: His voice carried a mix of excitement and determination as he joined his teammates, his body poised in a battle-ready stance. The anticipation in the air was palpable, each member of Team Seven brimming with confidence and resolve. With Rock Lee's unwavering spirit added to their ranks, their collective strength seemed unstoppable, leaving Mito to reconsider her underestimation of their abilities. Madara, Izuna, Obito, Sasuke, Jiraya, Shikamaru, Kankuro, and Gaara finally wake up and join their lovers on the battlefield. The atmosphere became charged with renewed energy as the awakened warriors joined their loved ones on the battlefield. Their presence infused a newfound sense of unity and determination within Team Seven, further fueling their resolve to emerge victorious. As they stood together, ready to face any challenge that lay ahead, their combined strength and unwavering bond became an unstoppable force that Mito could no longer ignore. "You really thought we would let you fight Mito by yourself?" Madara asked. "Yes, we were planning on it." Hashirama said. "But now that we're all here, we'll show Mito the true power of our united front," Tobirama added confidently. The warriors exchanged determined glances, knowing that their combined strength and unwavering bond would be the key to overcoming any obstacle they faced. With their resolve solidified, they prepared to face Mito head-on, ready to fight as one and protect everything they held dear. 

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