Truth of the past

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Kayda: Okay start when you are ready Lady Tsunade.

Hashirama/Tobirama: We need to say something before Tsunade starts.

Madara/Izuna: Okay, What is Hashirama and Tobirama?

Hashirama/Tobirama: Well, a week after we were force to kill you Madara/Izuna, we found that we were pregnant then we we're forced to marry Mito and her sister and nine moths later after giving birth. We gave birth to twins and gave them to your father then asked him to hide them from Mito and her sister. The only person knows about this Tsunade. 

Madara/Izuna: What the hell! 

Tajima: Madara, Izuna calm the hell down. The reason they hide them was cause Hashirama and Tobirama were scared of Mito and her sister.

Madara/Izuna: I understand that but we weren't there. What are the twins names?

Kayda: Before that, I reread the scroll for the jutsu that Mito has on Hashirama it says that any Uzumaki can deactivate the jutsu. So basically Kushina could undo the jutsu.

Hashirama: Kushina could you undo the jutsu?

Kushina: Yes, I can. Kayda please give the scroll for that jutsu.

* Kayda hands the scroll to Kushina. Kushina reads the scroll then asks Hashirama to come to her. Hashirama goes to Kushina and she undoes the jutsu.*

Kushina: Hashirama-San you are no longer conected to Mito.

Hashirama: Thank you Kushina.

Kushina: Your welcome Hashirama-san 

Madara: So I can go kill Mito now!

Hashirama: When we are done with the full truth.

Madara: Fine. But back to the names of the twins.

Hashirama: Well, our twins names are Asaki and Obito.

* Obito passes out from shock.*

Kakashi: Obito get so when we done we can dango.

* Obito wakes up because he heard the word dango.*

Obito: Sorry Kashi.

Madara: Wait, one of mine kids were with me is entire time.

Hashirama: Yes.

Kayda: Did you say Asaki lord first.

Hashirama: Yes, why?

Kayda: She is the anbu with me and team seven. Her codename is Moondeath.

Madahashi: Why is her codename Moondeath?

Naruto: It's because she is kills without hesitation and her name means moon.

Sasuke: Kayda can you summon her.

* I summoned Asaki.*

Kayda: But first a picture of  Obito.

Kayda: But first a picture of  Obito

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