Chapter 1

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  Life had been really tough since dad left. I was 21 still living with my single mother and two younger brothers. Nathan was 12 and Jacob was 10. To be fair, I probably could have moved into a small apartment and started a life of my own but I felt I owed it to my mom to stick around, she desperately needed someone to care for these two nutjobs while she worked long night shifts at the hospital. She was a nurse and I admired her.

  I walked into the kitchen and overheard the never-ending bickering of my younger siblings, they had been watching season 14 reruns of The Apex Games.

  "Pathfinder is practically Spider-Man; he'd beat Octane in a 1v1 any day of the week!" Nathan yelled.

  "Well..." Jacob trailed off, "Octane is faster so he would win!" he argued.

  "Pfft. Pathy could make more distance much faster on his zipline!"

I grabbed a Monster out of the fridge and a bag of doritos. Lord knows I need my caffeine, especially this early. I made my way into the living room and plopped down on the recliner chair that was next to the couch my brothers had been sitting on. I started watching the reruns with them when I heard the front door behind us open.

  "I'm home!" I heard my mom call and I got up to greet her.

  She gave me a judgmental glare. I know, I know. Monster and Doritos aren't breakfast but there weren't many options.

  She was dressed in blue scrubs, her hair was in a messy bun. She had dark bags under her eyes and she definitely looked like she just worked an overnight shift. Although exhausted, she still greeted me with a warm smile. She looked past me and saw my brothers watching The Apex Games and shook her head disapprovingly.

"I don't understand why you watch this crap, what's so great about watching people kill each other?" She questioned as she sat her bag down.

"Technically, no one actually dies." Nathan corrected as he shoved some of my chips into his mouth

"Y/N, just make sure they get to school on time." She requested as she put her hand on her forehead. "I'll be sure to go grocery shopping this weekend."

My mom was clearly irritated but I couldn't blame her, she did just stay up all night saving lives. I gave her a quick hug before she went off to bed. I rarely ever got to see her. The only time I could was when I got the boys ready for school in the morning or when she was getting ready for work in the evenings. We weren't as close anymore but she was doing what she could to provide.

"We will return to reruns after this quick announcement. We are now looking to hire a new Legend!" I heard from the TV which snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Nathan, turn that up please" I asked my brother

He used the remote to pick up the volume.

"For the next week, we'll be accepting applications from new Legends to start next season! You'll be paid immediately right after your first game!"

  I immediately considered it, that was going to be a lot of money that'd fix many problems for us. Mom wouldn't have to work so many hours, my brothers would be able to get into college one day and I could finally move out and start my own life.

The Ad provided a link to apply online and I quickly pulled out my phone. It was a link to a survey that asked basic questions such as my name, medical history, my experience with physical combat. As I filled out the application I was interrupted by Nathan.

"Y/N, you're not really...are you?"

I looked up from my phone at him, "Just don't tell mom, alright?"

He gave me a nod and I patted him on the head. He was a good kid, he knew how to keep a secret. I checked my phone for the time, it read 6:45AM

"Shit!" I exclaimed, I had to get them to school. Jacob looked at me and frowned

  I covered my mouth realizing what I just said, "I'll let you have the rest of my chips if you don't tell mom."

  Mom was weird, she didn't care enough about them watching a literal bloodsport but the second I say a 'bad word' around them, I'm a bad influence and I didn't want to get an earful from her.

  Jacob grabbed the bag of my precious doritos and his backpack and we headed out the door.


  After I dropped them off, I decided to park in the parking lot and finish up my application. I said a quick prayer in my head and clicked Submit.

  I wasn't sure I'd get the job, I've never been near a gun. The most experience with physical combat I had was when my highschool bully punched me in the stomach and I ran away like a bitch. Surely they have training, right? I really needed this job, I was desperate for this job.

  My phone rang. Fuck.

  I saw the name 'Frank' scrawled on my screen, my boss was calling me. I answered and pressed my phone to my ear.

  "Y/N where the hell are you? I warned you what would happen if you were late again!"

  He sounded more pissed than last time I was late. I stayed quiet for a moment and tried to come up with an excuse.

  "I know, I'm sorry. I had a rough morning. I'm on my way."

  Really? That's the best I could come up with? A rough morning?

  "If you aren't here within the next ten minutes I won't hesitate to replace you." He threatened before I heard the hang up sound.

  I had a pretty busy job, I was a waitress at a local restaurant and practically survived off the tips I made. Although, most of it went towards bills. I hardly got to spend any of it how I wanted but that's life, I guess. I was desperate for change. I just wanted someone to take care of me for once.

A/N: Hi sorry about the boring chapter I just wanted to set up the storyline for the book. It'll get faster paced, don't worry. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see ya soon! xoxo

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