Chapter 19

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  I laid on the couch, mindlessly scrolling through my phone. I tried my best not to think about Octavio or what he did but no matter what I kept seeing advertisements for the upcoming season for the games. I sighed in defeat and shoved my phone in my pocket. I didn't know how to feel. I feel betrayed that he went against his word but the way he explained it, I should feel grateful for how far he went to get my job back. It couldn't have been easy for him. It's not really easy for me either. My head was a mess about the whole situation. Every time I even think about them kissing, my heart aches and I get this horrible pit in my stomach that reminds me of my past. My reasoning for being so hesitant to trust anyone. Why it's so difficult to let anyone get close to me. I can't think about this anymore. My doorbell rang and it took all of my energy just to get up. When I finally managed, I answered it. There stood an average height guy holding a pizza box and he greeted me with a dorky smile. Since mom was working an overnight shift, I didn't have the energy to cook for my brothers tonight so I just ordered in. And honestly, comfort food didn't sound too bad.

  "Do you want your receipt?" He asked me.

  "I'm good, thanks." I answered as I took the pizza box from him.

  "Have a good night."

  "You too!" I said before closing the door. "Nathan! Jacob! Pizza!"

  As if on cue, I heard footsteps rushing down the stairs as I sat the pizza down on the dining room table.

  Before I could grab myself a couple slices, my phone rang. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check who was calling. It was mom. She usually didn't call during her shift so it must've been important. I answered and held the phone to my ear.

  "Hey mom, what's up?" l asked, a bit confused about the reasoning behind her call.

  "Hey Y/N, I have some bad news."

  I remained quiet as I waited for her to continue.

  "Your friend Octavio Silva was admitted into the hospital a couple hours ago."

  Suddenly the anger I felt towards him just hours prior vanished. All I could think about is what happened.

  "What happened? Is he okay?!" I asked in a panicky tone.

  "I'll explain but you should probably get here." She told me.

  "Mom, I'm watching Nathan and Jacob tonight.." I reminded her and looked over my shoulder to see they have practically eaten half of the pizza already.

  "I already called Jessie, she's on her way over. I know you two were getting close so I thought you'd want to be here."

  Jessie was our new neighbor a few houses down who moved in not too long ago. Since I was busy, I helped mom pay someone to help look after them and make sure they get to school.

  I thanked my mom for letting me know and told her I'd be there soon. We hung up and I went back into the dining area.

  "Hey guys I gotta go, Jessie will be here soon to watch you."

  "I'm getting a little old for a babysitter." Nathan answered, annoyed.

  "It's mom's call, not mine. I'll see you later." I quickly answered before I left.


  I entered the hospital and thankfully it wasn't too busy. The main lobby had been completely empty. I approached the front desk.

  "Hello, Y/N! What can I do for ya?" The lady at the front desk asked me as she chewed her gum. Since my mom worked here, she was already familiar with who I am.

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