Chapter 17

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I ducked behind a corner with my R-99 pressed against my chest, the circle was closing rapidly and there were only two other squads left. I looked over at my teammate, Mirage who had just sent out his decoy to bait out an enemy team. It worked and it gave us the advantage of knowing where they were. I aimed down sights with my Nemesis and cracked the shields of what appeared to be Bloodhound. Mirage and I took that as our queue to rush their team. Unfortunately they were paired with Bangalore and she popped her smoke as soon as we got there. I squinted my eyes as I heard Bloodhound's scan and they came up behind me, taking me out with their wingman.

  I jumped awake with my heart pounding in my chest and could feel something warm and...vibrating? I had been laying on Octane's chest with his arms wrapped around me and I noticed him shaking. I looked up to see him looking at me, worried.

  "Whoa, what were you dreaming about, chica?" He asked me.

  "Bad dream." I muttered as I rubbed my head. "Are you okay?" I asked as I could see him visibly shaking.

  "Yes I just need to uh...move. I tried to stay still to not wake you. I just have a lot of energy to kill."

  I giggled and moved to get off him and he sprung up like a hyper child who had too many sweets. He hopped off my bed and jogged in place. I adjusted myself and hung my legs off the edge of the bed.

  "Oh hermosa we need to go to my place." He told me as he continued jogging, throwing in a few jumping jacks in between.

  "Oh, why?" I asked, I was confused since the plan was to stay away from each other. Being seen walking into his apartment was a big risk I wasn't really willing to take. But what can I say, he's Octane after all.

  "We found a laptop in my manager's apartment but I asked Crypto to come over to see if he can get into it."

  "I really hope he can find something." I looked down. I was heartbroken. I got fired over something I didn't even do. I really missed that job and if I couldn't get it back I'd have to probably go back to being a waitress or something else equally awful.

  Octane wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace. He planted his face in my hair and whispered, "It'll be okay, conejita. We'll get your job back. I promise."

  God, I loved his voice. It was so soothing, the world could be ending but he could tell me it'll all be okay and I'd believe him.

  I remembered my dream, "Hey Tavi, do you think I'd make a decent legend?"

  He stopped his jumping jacks and tilted his head to the side, "You thinking about applying again?"

  "I dunno, just a thought. I could use the excitement."

  He sat next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "Let's try to get your job back first. Then if you still wanna join I'll vouch for you. On one condition."


"You have to be on my team."

  I couldn't resist the grin that crept onto my face when he said that and wrapped my arms around him. His pocket vibrated and he took out his phone, his smile quickly disappeared.

  "What's wrong?" I asked him.

  "It's Linda. She's pretty pissed that I bailed on her at the party last night and she found out her laptop is missing."

  My heart dropped. Was the plan ruined? Can I not get my job back now?

  "Just go meet up with Crypto and Loba at my apartment. I'll catch up with you."

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