Chapter 18

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  I watched Octane as he sat across from me, he looked down and took a couple deep breaths as if he was about to tell me something. What was on his mind? What could be wrong? We practically got my job back. We should be at Elliott's bar celebrating now, right?

  He looked up at me with a mixture of emotions written on his face. Sadness, anger and a bit of guilt. That didn't look like the cheery Octavio I came to love at all.

  "I kissed Linda." He said flatly and looked back down as if he was waiting for my reaction.

  "I'm sorry, you what?" I heard exactly what he said, it couldn't be any more clear. But I needed him to say it again for me to process.

  "When I went to her apartment she was going on and on about how her laptop was missing then she knew you had something to do with it and I had to stall, you know?" The words poured out of his mouth at rapid speed, he was panicking at how I'd react and I could barely understand what he was saying at all.

  I remained quiet. I didn't know what to feel. He promised me it wouldn't go that far yet it did.

  "What else did you do?" I raised my voice. How far could they have gone?

  "Hermosa I swear nothing more happened. She tried to but Crypto called at the right time and-"

  "And what if he didn't call, huh?" I stood up and stalked towards the door but he raced after me and blocked the door. "Get out of my way, Octavio!"

  "You have to believe me, y/n. I wouldn't do that to you."

  "But you would kiss her when we specifically said it wouldn't go that far." Tears started to form in my eyes, I tried to fight them back but I felt the pain I felt was stronger than the anger.

  "Lo siento mucho. If I could take it back I would in a heartbeat. I just wanted to buy you more time. She was all sorts of messed up. Some deranged fan. What if she found another way to hurt you?"

  I ignored him and unclipped the necklace he had gifted me on our last date. I watched as his face shifted from panic to sadness as I dangled it in front of him. He held out his hand and I gave it to him. He finally moved out of my way and I opened the door and left, slamming it behind me.

  When the elevator doors opened, I saw a familiar face. The face of the bitch who cost me everything. She must have been on her way to see Octavio.

  "What happened to you?" She asked me as she exited the elevator in the fakest tone you could imagine.

  "You can have him." I muttered as I entered the elevator and pressed the button for the main floor.

  Octane's POV

  I don't know how long I've been sitting here for but it felt like hours. I heard a knock at my door. Y/N? Did she come back? I sprung up and rushed over to pull it open, only to be met with disappointment. Linda.

  Before I could slam the door in her face she walked in and planted a kiss on my cheek, "How's it going, handsome?"

  I can't keep up this act, not after what just happened with y/n. I need her to leave.

  "Look, you need to go. I need to get ready for the games." I said as I started shuffling around getting ready. It wasn't a complete lie, I did have a game today but it was the last on my priority list.

  "This is about y/n, isn't it?" She raised her tone.

  This lady was really starting to get on my nerves. I couldn't keep this up anymore. "Thanks to you, y/n lost her job and wants nothing to do with me."

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