Chapter 7

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I finally arrived home and took a nice warm shower. At this point my hangover had gone away, which is a good thing since I was likely going to be drinking more with Elliot. I changed into some jeans, a (f/c) top and a dark denim jacket to go over it. I brushed my recently washed hair and dried it. I looked a lot better. Luckily, the house was empty. Mom typically took my brothers out during the weekend since she was never home during the week.

I checked my phone and had a few texts from Speed Demon.

  Hey. Did you make it home okay?


  Look, things felt off when you left my apartment. I hope you're okay

  I marked the messages as read and ignored him. It was probably for the best.

  I finished getting ready and got in my car and drove back to the plaza.


  "I'll take some tequila shots, please." I said to the bartender.

  Mirage nudged me, "Nice choice!" He shot me a smile as he took a sip of the beer he had been drinking.

  "What's bothering you, friend?" Pathfinder asked me. When I asked Mirage to meet up, I didn't expect him to bring Pathy. I was under the impression they didn't get along.

  I took a shot before I started ranting about the things going on between me and Octane. Mirage listened intently before he spoke.

  "Octavio is a lot of things but he's not a player. I've seen how he looks at you."

  I sighed, "I know. But what about that woman I saw?"

  "Ask him!" Pathfinder chimed in. I know, that seemed like the obvious solution. But it was so difficult for some reason. I had a rough past and it just makes it difficult to communicate because I'm afraid of being abandoned.

  I took another shot and started to feel lightheaded, I was definitely a light weight. I wasn't usually one to drink this much but I had a lot going on in my life.

  Mirage extended his arm and gave me a pat on the back. "It'll be alright, kid."

  I gave him a smile, I really appreciated him being there for me although I hadn't known him very long.

  "Want another drink?"

  I shook my head, "No, I need to make sure I can drive."

  I continued talking with Pathy and Mirage for awhile when I heard the door open.

  It was Octane.

  He seemed to notice me almost immediately. "Y/N!"

  I sighed as he made his way over to me.

  Mirage looked at me awkwardly, "Yeah I'm gonna go somewhere else. C'mon, Pathy."

I crossed my arms over my chest, "What do you want, Octavio?"

  "Y/N. What's wrong?"

  "What is this Octavio? One moment you seem interested and the next you call me your friend. I don't get you!" I started to get loud and caught the attention of a few people.

  "Let's go somewhere else and talk, okay?" He suggested with a low tone.

  I sighed and he took my hand, dragging me out of the bar. There were a few benches outside which we decided was a good place to talk. It was quiet and everybody else had been inside.

  "Y/N, I do really like you. It's just..." He trailed off and fidgeted with his hands as he thought of a way to continue. I stayed quiet.

  "Dating as a celebrity is hard. Fans are always in your business, you know? And they have their ships and it's just. Hard."

  "But why would you play with my feelings like that?" I raised my voice, causing a bit of a scene.

  "I wasn't trying to. I just didn't want you to deal with all the crazy stuff that comes with it."

  He seemed sad and I felt awful, I extended my hand to hold his, I wanted to comfort him.

  "Octavio...I'd go through anything to be with you."

  He leaned it to kiss me but I pulled away. A glimpse of sadness and hurt flashed in his eyes

  "Who was that woman who went to your apartment after I left?"

  "She's just my manager, hermosa. I swear."

  I believed him. He didn't give me a reason not to.

  "I'm sorry I just..." I looked down. "I have trouble letting myself get close to people. I don't want to get hurt."

  He put his hand under my chin and made me look up at him. He looked into my eyes, he had beautiful eyes. He was really cute when he was being vulnerable with me. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the crazy, energetic Octane. But I was falling for this Octavio.

  "I'd never hurt you, Y/N."

  The dragons in my stomach were back. He leaned in and pressed his lips against mine, I returned the kiss. It started to get a bit steamy and pulled away, I wasn't ready.


  I looked up, "Hm?"

  He didn't say anything but crashed his lips against mine once again. I closed my eyes and he had fist full of my hair in one hand and his other one on my back, bringing me in closer. He inserted his tongue in my mouth as we made out.


  We pulled apart and I looked around, confused as to what that sound was.


  It didn't seem like he heard anything, maybe I was hearing things. I turned back to him and smiled.

  "Hey, do you want to do something fun?" He asked.

  "What's that?"

  "There's gonna be some sort of carnival in town. A lot of the other legends are going, do you wanna come?"

  I thought for a moment, I had a bit of a weak stomach and some of those rides made me feel like vomiting. "I don't know Octavio I-"

  I was cut off by him widening his eyes, looking at me like a puppy.

  How could I say no?

  I sighed in defeat, "Alright, I'll come."

  "Yay!" He practically jumped up out of excitement. "Heh, sorry I needed to get that energy out somehow."

  I laughed at him, he was really cute.

  "I'll pick you up later, yeah?"

  "Sure thing."

A/N: Sorry for the wait, I wanted to add in some drama plus I've been busy. Hope you enjoyed and get ready for drama. xoxo

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