Chapter 2

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  The week went by painfully slowly. I dealt with many rude customers at the restaurant. But hey, I was extra careful about not being late again. I took care of my brothers while my mother was at work. It wasn't until the end of the week, my brothers and I were gathered in the living room awaiting the announcement.

  "And now, the moment everyone has been waiting for..."

My heart raced in my chest as I waited for the man to say my name. I couldn't sit still, I tapped my foot impatiently and leaned in closer. Maybe my application wasn't amazing but I felt I could do well with a bit of training.

  "Tressa Crystal Smith! Congratulations, you'll hear from us soon!"

  My heart stopped racing, my world stopped as I heard the man not call out my name. I felt my heart drop to my stomach and I looked down in disappointment. Maybe it was too good to be true. Maybe I got my hopes up. Of course someone more qualified than me would apply. I felt truly stupid thinking I had a chance. Nathan looked over at me with sadness in his eyes, remembering I had applied earlier that week.

  My phone started to ring and I looked to see a number I didn't recognize, I tapped the green button to answer.


  "Hi! Is this Y/N/L/N?"

  It was a woman with a thick French accent, she sounded sweet. Where have I heard that voice before?

  "Yeah...that's me." I answered confused, "Um, who is this?"

  "Natalie Paquette. I'm with the Apex Games. I went over your application and while you weren't chosen as a legend, we thought you'd do well as an equipment manager."

  This surprised me, equipment manager? "I'm sorry?"

  "You'd just be in charge of making sure the arenas are prepared for games. Managing data, care packages, loot, crafting, all of that." She explained.

I thought for a moment, although it wasn't the position I wanted, surely it paid more than my current job did.

  "Yes, I'll take it." I said enthusiastically.

  "Perfect! Can you start soon?"

  "Yeah, I'd just have to put in a notice for my current job and-"

She interrupted me, explaining how they were desperate for someone to take over this position since they had to fire the last guy for reasons she wouldn't go into detail with me. We spent a few more minutes on the phone and she told me where I'd be going and when.

  We hung up and I nearly jumped in excitement, I felt lucky. Nathan looked over at me and I gave him a smile, basically telling him I got a job, just not as a legend. Which honestly, was probably for my own good.

  Honestly, fuck giving my boss a notice. It was unprofessional but he was a giant asshole and always threatened to replace me anyway. Surely, he had someone ready to take my position. I searched for his contact name in my phone and sent him a quick text

I quit.

  I was going to meet the Wattson tomorrow, saying I was nervous would be an understatement. If I was meeting her, I was likely meeting the other legends too, right?

  I made my way upstairs to my room and picked an oversized shirt and sweatpants to wear to bed. I hopped in the shower and sang one of my favorite songs as I washed my hair. 

  I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a [F/C] towel around my body. I picked my phone off the counter and my lock screen was filled with angry text messages from my previous boss. He had called me various names and that's when I blocked him. I don't have to deal with him ever again.


  I woke up to the headache inducing alarm I had set for 7:00AM. I practically rolled out of bed and walked over to the clothes I set out for myself the night before. It had been jeans, paired with a [F/C] top and a leather jacket over it. I looked pretty good.

  I ran down the stairs and grabbed a monster out of the fridge to start my day. I desperately needed the caffeine for my first day and it was a lengthy drive to the arena. Well, 30 minutes. But that is lengthy compared to the 10 minute drive I had to my old job.

  It felt good saying that. Old Job. I smiled to myself and headed out the door. This was going to be a new beginning.


  When I arrived, it was much more than just an arena. It was an entire plaza with apartment complexes, diners, bars, you name it and they had it. I took in the sight with awe before I made my way into the little secretary building they had outside of the arena.

  There was a lady with her black hair in a neat bun and oval-shaped glasses at the front desk typing away at her computer.

  "Hi I'm Y/N/L/N. I'm supposed to be meeting with Ms. Paquette?"

  She looked up and down at me before typing something into her computer. "Ah yes, you were supposed to be here 10 minutes ago."

  I mentally smacked myself. Late on the first day, seriously?

  "I'm sorry I had trouble finding my way here. It's my first time." I explained

  She gave me a warm smile and started typing again, "No worries it happens to everybody." She stood and gestured to her left, "Ms. Paquette is waiting for you just through that door."

  I smiled and gave her a quick "Thanks!" before I headed towards the door and knocked on it.

  "Come in!" It was that sweet voice again.

  I opened the door and she gestured for me to have a seat at her desk.

  "It's nice to finally meet you, Y/N!" She shook my hand as I took a seat.

  "So for the first day your tasks will be quite easy. We just need you to go to the control panel and make sure everything is set for the next games. That won't be until tomorrow. We also need you to input the data for the next legend Catalyst since it'll be her first game and it's important she's registered properly."

  It sounded easy enough, I nodded as she spoke to show her I had been listening.

  "Any questions?" she asked.

  I shook my head and she stood up, "Alright, let's get to it then!" She said enthusiastically.

  I stood up with her and opened the door with her following behind. She agreed to show me to the control panel which wasn't far but I didn't want to get lost in this giant building, especially on my first day.

  I was listening and following her as she explained my schedule to me and how she expected things to be done. The way she spoke was clear and friendly, she was open to any questions in case I was confused about something. She gave me warm and welcoming smiles and this place already felt like a second home to me.

  "Yeah, I'll see you later!"

  I heard someone shout and felt someone bump into my back. I turned to look

  "I'm so sorry, amiga!"

A/N: Slight cliffhanger? I have a habit of doing that. I'm not too sure if anyone's interested in this story so votes and comments are appreciated. I'll see you next chapter. xoxo

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