Chapter 6

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  My eyes fluttered open and I was immediately hit with a throbbing headache. I tried to reach for my phone which had been placed on the nightstand next to me. Something was holding me back. I looked down to see two arms wrapped around me. My heart sank and I noticed I wasn't in my room.

  Where was I?

  I carefully moved one arm over and freed myself from his grasp. I looked to see who it was. Next to me, was a sleeping Octane.

  Shit shit shit. What did we do last night?

  My memory was all over the place. The last thing I remembered was the party. We talked. We kissed. After that, my memory fails me. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and stood up. I noticed immediately I wasn't in my dress anymore. I was in a shirt that obviously wasn't mine.

  I checked my phone. 12:22PM. Jesus, I slept in late. I noticed I had 20 missed calls from my mom and at least 50 texts. She must've been worried that I never came home last night. I'm usually there to greet her by the time she gets home from the hospital in the morning.

  I also had one text from Wattson apologizing for the mixup when I couldn't get into the party last night. She simply explained she had forgotten. I texted her back letting her know it was no worries and I was able to attend.

  I called my mom and only after one ring, she answered with a panicked. "Hello? Y/N?"

  "Mom. I'm okay. I'm sorry I didn't call."

  "Where were you? Why didn't you come home?"

  I had to come up with a lie. I couldn't just tell her I got too drunk to come home and ended up sleeping with my coworker. That's not something she needed to know.

  "I'm sorry I had a couple drinks last night and Natalie let me stay at her place. My phone was dead."

  My mom was quiet for a moment before she asked, "Why didn't you just call me from her phone?"

  Ah, shit.

  "Um. I just rely on contacts. I couldn't remember your number."

  Yeah, that was believable. I was pretty forgetful afterall and after a few drinks I'd likely have the memory of a goldfish.

  She sighed, "I'm just glad you're okay."

  After we spoke for a bit and she felt relieved, I told her I'd be home later and we hung up. I made my way to Octane's kitchen and pulled open his fridge. Energy drinks. Soda. Consider me not surprised. I did find some eggs and bacon in there so I could put together and somewhat normal breakfast to get rid of this hangover.

  As I was cooking, I felt two familiar arms wrap themselves around my waist and a kiss placed gently on my neck. I immediately tensed up and turned around to see a smiling Octane.

He sniffed the air, "What's cookin'?"

  I smiled shyly and informed him I was making breakfast. "Listen...I don't know-"

  He interrupted me, "Nothing happened. I promise." It was as if he read my mind and understood my worries, "I brought you here and changed you into one of my shirts so you'd be more comfortable, that's all."

  Straight to the point, I like it.

  I sighed in relief before he brought me into a hug.

  "You did look sexy in what I did see, though."

"Octavio!" I felt my cheeks go hot and I pulled away so I could finish cooking.

  He told me he was going to take a brief shower while I cooked.

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