Chapter 15 (nsfw)

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Disclaimer: There is a brief nsfw part later in the chapter but it's short and I'll put a warning for when it starts and when it ends. Enjoy!


  "Can I take it off now, Tavi?" I whined, barely being able to contain my excitement. I've been blindfolded for probably thirty minutes now and he wouldn't tell me where we were going.

  "Almost there, hermosa."

  I could tell he was pulling into a parking lot as the car came to a stop. He put the car into park and undid his seatbelt, "Wait there, I'll help you."

  I heard his car door slam shut as he exited the vehicle and made his way over to the passenger side. I fumbled around trying to get my seatbelt off, when I did I could hear my door being opened. He took my hand and helped me step out of the car as he closed my door behind me.

  He held my left hand as I kept my right in front of me, I was worried about bumping into something as I couldn't see anything.

  "Careful, Y/N. There's stairs here." He warned me.

  Putting one foot in front of the other, he helped me slowly make my way up the stairs. He stayed by my side, making sure I didn't fall. I could then hear the door being opened.

    "Just a few more steps." His voice sounded restless as if he couldn't wait to show me whatever this big surprise is.

  He allowed me to go in first and followed behind me.

  "You know..." He started whispering in my ear. "There's a lot I could do with you blindfolded." I could feel his warm breath against my ear as he traced my hips with his finger. It caught me off guard and my cheeks immediately went hot. Goosebumps formed on my body as I could feel his touch. I leaned my head back into his chest as he continued to touch me and put his under my shirt to grab my breast. I tensed up out of surprise and I could hear his chuckle from behind me as he quickly removed his hand.

  "You're such a tease!" I pouted, crossing my arms over my chest.

  "You won't be mad at me in a second, chica." He told me as he untied my blindfold.

  I looked around to see a track with two go-karts on it. The place was huge with stadium-like seats but we were the only people here. I could hear clinking behind me and turned to look at Octane as he held up some keys.

  "I rented the place so we could do something fun together."

  My jaw dropped, that must've cost a fortune to rent out an entire indoor go-kart race track like this. On second thought, he was rich and famous. I doubt it even put a dent in his bank account.

  I turned to look at him and he seemed really hyped up, "Do you like it, Y/N? I just wanted to do something special since we won't be around each other for a while."

  I started to tear up, this was the nicest and most thoughtful thing anyone had done for me in a really long time. I hated the situation we were in, I guess it kind of comes with the territory of dating someone with a fanbase. I just had to get used to it. He noticed tears forming in my eyes and brought me in for a hug. "Let's have some fun, okay?"

  I wiped the tears from my eyes and smiled, "Okay."

  He was right, after everything we've done to fight for our relationship we owe ourselves a good time. I suppose that's why he brought us all the way out here, so we couldn't be followed and harassed. I took a deep breath as I calmed down, "How much you wanna bet I'll beat ya?"

  He laughed and shook his head, "Not a chance!"


  "WOOHOO! Beat ya five laps in a row, chica!" Octane yelled as he continued racing off in his kart.

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