Chapter 16

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Octane's POV:

  My legs made a loud metallic sound as I restlessly bounced them up and down. I couldn't take this anymore. I thought I'd be able to handle it for y/n's sake but this was pure torture. It's been a week since I've seen her. Shit, it's been a week since we even talked. We thought it'd be too risky so we cut all contact. It was hell.

  "How are you liking the party?" A familiar woman's voice asked me.

  I looked up at her as she held her glass of fancy champagne in her hand. She had her hair curled and decided to replace her glasses with contacts. She wore a low hanging tight red dress that hugged her body and black heels.

  It was Linda. My manager.

  Earlier she decided to invite me to a party. I only accepted because...well it was a party. I thought there'd at least be some crazy keg chugging or something fun. But no. It was a bunch of boring rich people dressed up all formally like they had someone to impress.

  I tugged at the collar of this stupid button up I was forced to wear. I felt like I was suffocating. I needed to get out of there. Run. Jump. Scream. Anything.

  "Actually I uh...I'm feeling sick." I finally responded. I mean it looked believable. I was in pretty bad shape. Being all shaky and having withdrawals from my stim. It's been like...30 minutes since my last injection!

  She sat in the chair beside me and touched my forehead with the back of her hand, "Aw, Tavi bear it feels like you have a fever."

  I was going to vomit. I hated that nickname. I mean...I wouldn't mind it coming from y/n. That's not the point.

  She continued touching me and I instinctively shot up from my seat. She seemed offended and I had to quickly come up with a lie, "I'm gonna go home and get some rest."

   Of course I didn't really mean rest. I'm Octavio Silva. She seemed to believe me, though.

  She pressed her lips together and made a pout face as she crossed her arms. "Okay, but you owe me."

  I get she's trying to be cute but I'm really not into it. I promised her I would before I quickly made my way out of the door.

  Fresh air. Finally. I unbuttoned my shirt and started jogging. No, running at full speed around the parking lot. I only stopped to catch my breath and make a phone call.


  "Hello?" Loba answered.

  "Please tell me you've got something, amiga. I don't know how much more I can take." I was desperate, I really couldn't play this act anymore.

  "Her apartment was clean. The only thing that might have some proof on it is her laptop."

  "Okay, well what's on it?" I grew impatient.

  "I can't get into it. It has a password. I'd steal it but I'm pretty sure she'd notice it missing."

  If only I knew a hacker

  "I'll call you back." I said before hanging up and calling someone else.

  "Hello?" A male voice answered. His voice had been groggy as if he was just woken up.

  "Crypto, I need a favor."

  "What?" He sounded slightly annoyed. We weren't close or anything and he's the last person I'd call, aside from Caustic.

  "I have a laptop and it's locked with a password and I need to get into it." I explained, plain and simple.

  "What's in it for me?" He asked.

  "Whatever you want, alright? Just meet me at my apartment tomorrow."

  "Fine." He said before hanging up.

  I got into my car and slammed the door shut. Linda will just need to find another ride home, I need a break. I started the engine and raced off in the direction of my apartment. My mind started racing. My last date with Y/N. The way she laughed and teased me during our little go-kart race. How she smiled and appreciated everything I did for her. I never felt this way about anyone else and this week must've been rough for her. She made me feel so...happy. I always relied on stim to keep my life exciting and fun but she did all of that naturally. She gave me that energy I never thought I could have. She gives me that thrill that I need and I miss her.


  I pulled into a driveway, it was dark as hell but I made my way to the front door and knocked. It took a few moments but when the door finally opened I was met with the most beautiful chica I've ever seen.


  Y/N's expression read as she was confused about what I was doing here. We agreed to avoid each other until I could find a way to prove her innocence and get her job back but I didn't want to stay away from her anymore.

  I took a step towards her and she looked up at me. God, her eyes were beautiful. The way she looked at me made my heart melt, I don't know how I went this long without seeing her. My eyes trailed down to those amazing lips of hers, the ones I craved to feel against mine again.

  I didn't hesitate and pulled her into my arms. I pressed my lips against hers and I forgot how amazing she felt. She was so warm and welcoming and not even my stim could give me the rush that she did.

  When we broke the kiss to catch our breaths she asked me, "Do you want to come inside?"

  "More than anything, hermosa." I answered.

  She stepped aside, giving me room to enter and closed the door behind me. She took my hand and started to lead me up the stairs but snapped back to look at me when my legs started to make that loud metallic sound.

  "Heh, sorry." I scratched the back of my head nervously and she giggled.

  I followed her into my room and honestly, it looked exactly how I imagined it. It suits her personality so well. She hopped on her bed and patted the spot next to her, gesturing me to come lay next to her which of course, I did. I wrapped my arm around her as she rested her head on my chest. I could feel my heart racing and I think she could hear it too.

  "I missed you, hermosa." I mumbled as I held her in my arms.

  "I missed you too, Tavi."

  "I just wanted you to'll be over soon."

  She moved her head to look up at me, "Promise?"

  "I promise." I assured her before she pressed my lips against mine.

  God, I missed her

A/N: Sorry this chapter took so long, life has been messy but it's finally here. Hope you enjoyed. Until next time xoxo

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