Chapter 8

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The carnival was loud, filled with various sounds. Screams, laughter and even someone puking up the aftermath of an intense roller coaster. Poor guy. There were various food trucks providing drinks, candy and those large salted pretzels. Yummy. I was dressed in something casual but it was nice at the same time. I had my hair nicely brushed and wore makeup that made my eyes stand out. I had an oversized purple hoodie and some black jeans with my converse, I didn't look too bad.
"C'mon, please?" Octane clasped his hands together and begged with puppy eyes.

  He had been trying to convince me to ride a roller coaster that barely came out this year. As someone who had never been on one before, I was a baby. I was terrified.

  I looked up at how high it went and my heart pounded, I swallowed the large lump in my throat.

  Octane grabbed my hand and I looked over at him, "It'll be okay, Y/N. I'll keep you safe."

I sighed, "Can we at least go on the ferris wheel afterwards?" I was embarrassed, I knew he'd find that ride boring but I felt it was fair if I was going to risk my life for this man.

  "Anything for you." He smiled and pulled my hand for us to get in line.

  The other legends were here as well but were all off in their groups doing their own thing. It was funny watching Bloodhound cross their arms as they rode the  merry-go-round. Fuse laughed and took pictures. Although they wore a mask, I could tell they weren't amused.

  Last I saw Loba and Valkyrie they ran off to the couples booth taking pictures together, how cute.

Gibby, Lifeline and Pathy were busy playing those mini games in an attempt to win prizes.

Wraith and Mirage were entertaining any fans that had run into them, taking various pictures and signing autographs.

Wattson and the rest unfortunately decided not to come, they wanted to spend their time at the plaza instead.

  The roller coaster screeched as it stopped and anyone who had just been on it stepped off. They made various comments about how fun it was, others said they didn't want to go on it again. When the ride was empty, the operator told the next few people in line to go ahead and get seated. That included Octane and I.

  My heart raced as the operator checked to be sure we were secure. My thoughts raced, I'd never been on one of these before.

  I felt a warm arm wrap around my shoulder, it was Octane. He looked at me with that grin of his, reassuring me.

  The roller coaster started to slowly move and I squeezed my eyes shut. My hands were gripped onto the bar in front of me that kept me secure. The ride started to move faster and I could feel us going upward. I opened my eyes to see we were at the top and my heart dropped into my stomach as we started racing down the track.

  "WOOOO HOOOO!!!" I turned to look at Octane having the time of his life. He had his arms raised above his head and he was grinning like a mad man.

  My heart raced in my chest and I could feel my stomach churning, I probably shouldn't have eaten that cotton candy earlier.

  Not long after, the ride came to a halt. We stepped out and my legs were shaking. The adrenaline rushed through my veins.

  "What a rush, huh Y/N?" Octane asked as he jumped in place, full of energy.

  I smiled at him shyly, it was fun for sure but I don't think I'd be doing it again anytime soon.

  He hugged me, my head rested on his chest and I could feel how fast his heart was beating. "Thanks for going with me."

  I looked over my shoulder to see the ferris wheel calling for people to get on, "Come on, Tavio!" I pulled on his arm excited to go on.

  We sat down across from each other and it was finally full. I could feel us ascending and I looked to my left to see the sun setting, it was very beautiful to watch from this height. Octane seemed to be watching it too, I would have thought he'd find these sorts of things boring but it seemed he was admiring it the same way I was.

"Y/N?" He grabbed my attention.

  I looked back at him. He had been wearing a sleeveless hoodie and black shorts, similar to his normal smile. His hair was the same cute mess it always was.

  "You never told me what happened with your dad."

That caught me off guard, he had brought it up before but I brushed it off.

  Was I ready to tell him?

  I sighed as I looked down, twiddling my thumbs. "He left when I was much younger. I was never told why or anything."

  He listened intently as I continued to open up, this was the most quiet he has ever been.

  "I always blamed myself to some extent. That's why I'm afraid of getting close. I don't want to be abandoned."

  I rubbed my eye, trying to push back tears. It really was a sensitive topic and I never told anyone about it before. He decided to stand up from his seat and come sit next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder so I could rest my head on his chest.

  "I'm not close to my dad either. He's a bit of a dick." He whispered in my ear. "But I promise you this. I won't leave you, Y/N."

  I smiled as I felt a kiss being placed on the top of my head. Before the ride descended, he moved back to his seat across from me.

  We stepped off the ride and were immediately surrounded by people. Fans. They were all talking over each other and it was very overwhelming. They kept asking about some picture. I had no idea what they were talking about.

  "Octane, are you dating anyone?"

  "Who's the girl in the picture?"

  "Are you dating this lovely lady right here?"

  Someone shoved their phone in my face and my jaw dropped. My heart shattered when I saw what it was. It was a photo of Octane kissing someone else.

  Tears welled up in my eyes and Octane looked to see what I was looking at.

  "Hermosa, wait!"

  That's all I heard as I ran off. My stomach felt sick, my heart pounded in my chest. It hurt to breathe. My head was throbbing with a headache, it was a thousand times worse than a hangover. I couldn't do this again. I couldn't be hurt like this again. I trusted him.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I tried to include some of the other legends since only a few have been mentioned so far in this story. It's hard to keep up with everyone, haha. Anyway, hope you enjoy the bit of drama I sprinkled in here. Until next time. xoxo

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