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Trust. Betrayal. Trust. Betrayal. It's a repetitive cycle in this mafia world. But this betrayal, this trust is broken was probably one of the worst. You can care for a friend, and love them but leaving them to suffer when you could've saved them, that's the worst.

He trusted him with his life. He was supposed to be Elijah's friend, his right hand, and Dalia's guardian but he turned out to be someone Elijah couldn't have imagined to be. Fright, I was frightened by him, the way Sebastian had evil written all over him was no shock to me because I had my doubts from the beginning.

And God knows how Elijah reacted to watching the video.

I feel like I can't breathe. Everything was trapped within me, in this cell, my mind was fuzzed that I didn't know what to think about. But my focus was on my little girl, on Dalia who doesn't deserve to go through this. How could they do this to a small child? The way one of the guys grabbed her made her unconscious and she's been like this for a while now.

I was scared. Not for me but for her. I was scared for her father, for my mother. We were all captured in William's hold. I could lose my mother, I could lose Elijah, but nothing could ever stop me from doing what I must do. No matter how many times he threatens about dropping the case, I am not letting a little girl gets taken away from her father.

Pushing the blonde locks away from Dalia's face, I kiss her forehead as well as letting the tears roll down my cheeks. I had to be strong for her, if she sees me weak and finished then it will only break her even more. I can't let that happen.

"I promise to keep you safe, my beautiful sweetheart. Elijah's little princess." I knew she wouldn't hear but for the sake of myself, I had to give some reassurance to both of us. But all I need is for her to wake up.

They hurt me pretty bad when we got here. Sebastian was standing there by the door when we arrived—he had no remorse that Elijah's daughter was kidnapped. He fooled both thinking that he loved Dalia like his own. I'll never forget what Sebastian did and I don't think Elijah would let it go.

He scarred me with his knife. My left cheek burns in agony, I can feel the blood drying around the cut, and the swelling was making the left side of my face heavy. I know that Elijah is looking for us, I have hopes that he'll come for us soon. I hope he does something about my mother. She's my priority, the only person I need here with me. I can't lose her because if I did, I'd lose myself and if I lose myself, it will be a humanity switch. A switch that would change me forever.

Staring deep at the ground, I let myself drown in thoughts that I don't want to think about, but I can't help myself. Drifting my half-lidded eyes to Dalia, her eyes flinch which awakens me immediately.

"Dalia? Sweetheart?" Whispering, I push her hair out of the way and bring her to my chest. The little groan coming out of her shatters my heart, I hold her close to me and wait for her to wake up.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐋𝐚𝐰𝐲𝐞𝐫 | 18+ COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now