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Everything that I wanted to be with peace was slowly being taken away—my life, my daughter, Scarlett. Of course, I'm fighting, fighting so hard to win but how much more can I take? How much longer is it going to take for me to be sane? To be at peace?

It feels like I've been detached from reality for so long, like I have no idea if my daughter is okay or if Scarlett is coping, despite having seen them already. But I have to deal with it because, after all, it's all my fault. It's my fault for letting myself get into this situation without thinking of what would happen.

I put Scarlett at risk, I put my own little girl's life at risk when I promised multiple times that I wouldn't. They have to suffer more than I do, they have to have that hope without me—one thing that I feel is falling off my shoulders slowly. Everything that my parents have made me feel is slowly coming out in me and now I feel like that weak boy I was years ago. And maybe they were right, maybe I will always be that boy.

Prison was like hell but in this real world. I was chained by demons, burning inside as everything feels so apart from me. "You have two visitors." Tilting my head back, I see Santi and Rico entering a room and I felt like I was at home seeing them after a long time.

The officer drags me to the cell, the handcuffs pulling my wrists, deliberately making me feel the pain as I walk. My body was tired—tired of being here, tired of being locked in a small place, tired of the pushing and aches that the officers give. My eyes were strained. It felt like they were done being open.

"Elijah." Santiago breathes out my name, and both pull me into a hug but it's like my body wasn't giving any response to them. It felt numb.

"Boys. How's it going?" I ask them before they could ask me anything, they pull away and Rico shakes his head as if he didn't want me to speak.

"How are you doing, Elijah?" Rico asks me—a question that I don't even know the answer myself. How do I answer it? It took me every strength not to start crying in front of my best friends but knowing they had my back made me want to break down.

"Don't ask me a question, you know I can't answer right now." Sitting on the chair behind me, I realised that I have lost all my strength, that I have become weak again and I'm not sure if anything can bring me back.

Not having Scarlett around makes me drown inside, not seeing her or touching her aches my heart because it's all I want—to be in her arms. Scarlett restores me, she holds me together from collapsing apart and I know she is doing everything behind my back to make sure we win this. And I don't know how much I can repay her.

"You're going to be okay, Elijah. We talked to Scarlett and we're on the right track to getting you back home." Everyone seems to be giving me reassurance, giving me hope and I won't deny that they're helping but why does it feel they're not at the same time?

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐋𝐚𝐰𝐲𝐞𝐫 | 18+ COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now