LTM Drabble

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Eda took a long sip from the bottle of alcohol while drawing circles with her finger on the floor of the cool-toned bathroom. She was awaiting Serkan's ill-timed return from a party to move forward with her plan. Tonight, she had vowed to go ahead with her schemes and get her hands on the key to his office. It was all good until Selin called him to attend an important party with her. In his defense, this time he couldn't say no to her. The pangs of jealousy had infuriated her to an extent that now her pantyhose laid somewhere in the bathroom and she was clad in nothing but his favorite black shirt.

'Fuck you Serkan Bolat.' She drawled while taking another sip.

She heard him placing the keys on the nightstand afore hearing him pace inwards. He surveyed her state, unsure whether to instate that he was pleasantly startled to see her like this.

'What's happening here?'

'Finally done serving the wife or is there still one more round to go?' She mocked biting her lip.
He chuckled knowing very well where this was coming from.

'I wasn't expecting you to stay after I left

'Is that your way of telling me I should leave?' She frowned, unable to keep a straight head while looking at his tall figure standing in front of her. To her relief, he sat down and gently tucked her hair lock behind the ear. 'Hayır, I wouldn't have left if I knew you were getting frisky tonight.'

'Not anymore.' She clicked her tongue.

'My bad, isn't it so?'

'So tell me did you sleep with her tonight?' Eda asked him impulsively

'Let's not get ahead of ourselves Eda.' He stated, unwilling to answer that question.

'Is she better than me?'

'You're jealous?' He let out a laugh, clearly enjoying her words, knowing they'd never leave her dirty mouth if it wasn't for alcohol.

'No, I'm just drunk.' She shrugged.

'Gel.' He softly turned her in his arms despite her resistance.
'I hate you.' She uttered for the umpteenth time as if he didn't know already.
'Is that why you are salivating at the sight of me like this?' He placed her gently on the bathroom's marble countertop.
'And who says I'm thinking about you?' Her lips curled into a savage smile. She was drunk but not dumb. In her wasted state, Eda knew what strings to pull.

'Eda, don't mess with me. I think you've had too much to drink.' He tried to grab the bottle but her grip turned out to be stronger than expected.
'I don't like to share.' She pouted and Serkan mistook her statement unaware that the subject in context was him, not the alcohol.

'Tamam, can you please leave? I need to pee.'
'Neden? I've seen you naked or is it that Selin sucked it short and you're ashamed to show.' She was totally wasted, Serkan knew there was no use in taking offense.

'If you can't hold off the liquor, why even bother drinking so much?'
'Sana ne! Let me drink!!!!' She barked and spilled it on him, drinking it off his body.
'This isn't your local alcohol foundation.'
Eda giggled, licking the traces of the liquid from his neck.
'I don't fuck alcoholic women. You should know that.' He pushed her away, almost cracking his right ankle.
'Your bones are cracking!' She teased with a snicker. 'Mid-life crisis!'
'You should worry about yours, considering how much time you spend on your knees.' He grinned back enjoying these moments with Eda that are replaced by her cold demeanor most of the time.
'Well, fortunately, it is when I hold all the power of your balls.'
'That's enough. You're drunk and now it's time to go to bed.'
'NO NO NO' she whined like a baby. 'First tell me something.' Meanwhile, Serkan held her in his arms.
'How do I manage to sleep in your arms every single time?' She whispered, caressing his broad shoulders.
'You're gonna regret saying this.' His lips curled into a tiny smile.
'That day I slept hugging your jacket. I think it's the cologne. Which one do you use?' Serkan looked at her completely startled. Was it a night of confessions or something?
'Eda is that your alcohol speaking?'
'Maybe.' She shrugged, lazily putting her head on his shoulder. Serkan paced towards the bedroom and slid under the duvet with her.
'Serkan?' Eda uttered after a silence of ten minutes.
'Hmmm?' He responded kissing her forehead. He was expecting her to be all asleep by now.
'I feel sick.' She whined incredibly nauseous
'You should've drunk more baby.' He taunted kissing her temple

'I think I'm gonna throw up.' She got up immediately choking on her vomit
Serkan rushed off to the bed grabbing the nearest bin for her, sprinting to hold back her hair as she began to release all of tonight's consumed contents. Serkan soothed her back, wiping her face with a couple of tissues, and gently asked her to lay back. Meanwhile, he disposed of the bin and returned back only to find her waiting for him with open eyes.

'Was he really the reason she managed to sleep peacefully?'He wondered looking at her face that showed heavy dark circles under her eyes
Serkan encircled her like a cocoon, pulling her closer, feeling elated that he was the reason for her peaceful sleep.

With a smile lingering on his face he dozed off knowing tomorrow morning Eda would be kicking him from this bed.


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