Chapter 17: Naughty

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"Love doesn't make the world go round; love is what makes the ride worthwhile." —Elizabeth Barrett Browning

WARNING: Hello my dearest innocent and dirty waffles! We know the drill when we see this sign. Mature contents below, be warned. *wink*

Oh, and shoutout to harini98. Thanks for the help. You know what I mean.

And for all those who stayed up until now, waiting patiently and never gave up on my stories! I truly appreciate you all!!


Angel's POV

I felt the heat not creeping but zipping from my toes up to the roots of my hair.

"OMG!/OH MY GOD/SINCE WHEN?/REALLY?" different tones chorused, and my senses were poorly connected to my surroundings.

I felt like I was floating on the clouds but not out of happiness, but out of pure embarrassment.

Countless ways to kill Max ran through my head.

My body was pulled like a puppet on a string one at a time as they hugged me, and I heard ringing in my ears with all the squeals and screaming of delight coming from all the nurses and other healthcare staff present at the moment.

I couldn't find myself celebrating with them.

I was smiling, but it didn't reach my eyes. I felt my lips were going to crack as I plastered that smile on my face.

"When did you get married?" one asked, and I answered, still lost of what just happened.

Do you know the feeling when your mind wanders but still responds to questions?

That's what was happening to me. My mouth still responded to questions, but my mind was actually wandering to my one-of-a-kind husband. And I meant it sarcastically.

Yes, I said I wanted everyone to know it. But it wasn't like broadcasting it to the whole hospital. Can he be subtle?

"I hugged Jo back when she pulled me next. She was grinning like a Cheshire cat. "I knew it! I knew it! Lisa and I already felt that something was going on between you two," she squealed, and I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

When Jo pulled away, still holding my hand, she looked like she was over the moon.

I should be the one that feels that.

"Alright. Thank you, everyone!" I exclaimed, beaming at them all gratefully while perusing every face surrounding me. All faces were full-blown smiles, and I couldn't help but feel happy for all the positive responses.

"Excuse me," I murmured, and everyone parted like the red sea and ignored the look of envy, happiness, and curiosity thrown on my way to the elevator.

I was furious as I trudged along the hallway to his office. I knocked once, turned the lever handle, and pushed the door open.

Doctor Noah and Max looked at me, and once again, I felt my cheeks grow hotter.

"Hello, Doctor Noah," I greeted him, and he grinned at me.

"Nurse Angel," he winked at me, and I frowned. I shot Max a venomous glare.

"I'd leave you two," Doctor Noah gave Max a teasing grin before shifting his gaze to me, smiling.

"Congratulations, by the way," he smiled. "You catch the most elusive bachelor here," he teased before shooting Max a mischievous smirk.

"Go!" Max shooed him good-naturedly. His friend just laughed as he exited the room.

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