Chapter 27: Sexaholic

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"If I get married, I want to be very married." — Audrey Hepburn

Max's POV

"This is not the place I pictured this fucking cunt should be!" Jun hissed under his breath as he strode pass me, heading towards the old building, in an old neighbourhood.

Zombies everywhere, and seeing these people wasting their life with fentanyl made my stomach turned.

"We don't have all day, Max!" Jun called and I ripped my eyes off the group of men and women with the influence of the brain-eating-drug, huddled together on one filthy corner, next to a big rusty trash metal box. Head hang low, shoulders sagged, like they were on their lowliest level of their life which was certainly the truth, if you ask me.

Pile of their shits scattered next their feet, and they are all in their own fantasy world. 

And then my attention darted to one who just stuck his head into one of the metal bin's hole, and hurled.

My nose crinkled instantaneously, and even though I'm a few feet away, it seemed that I could smell and taste the putrid scent.

I quickly looked away.

I followed Jun in haste when he disappeared into a door. 

The first floor was abandoned. The second floor was occupied by an elderly couple, and on the third floor, a computer station.

The owner was a gangly man with a long beard, dark eyes, and pale skin. He was dressed like the 80's, dark maroon baggy pants, paired with maroon coat and white shirt under. And I think he had used the whole bottle of pomade, his dark shaggy hair gleaming under the old bulb over his head.

My eye scanned the small room with five computer stations. The smell of smoke, dope, and other scents which I can only conclude, a mixture of varieties of manly cologne mixed with their sour sweats, and I wanted to hurl. 

I tried to hold my breath, but I could only do it for a short period of time. 

I periodically hold my breath while my eyes darted to every part of the room. Jun seemed to not notice the unpleasant smell while he catalogue everything going on inside.

Only a piece of wood separating each computers stations. A long line of computers lined against the wall.

The crammed cashier station where the man was standing behind it was placed directly at the entrance.

The man's beady eyes in a dither as he avoided to make eye contact. My eyebrow shot up when I noticed him drumming his finger against the wood frame of the table. His agitated stare anxiously flitting between us and Jun.

"How can I help you, sir?" he asked, and finally focuses his attention to Jun.

My eyes swept the room again as Jun threw questions at the man who we just found out the owner.

There was two teens occupying two computers, with headphones covering their ears and submerged in their own world, not minding what was happening around them.

"Do you have a log in list for your customers?" Jun asked in his deep menacing tone.

The man stood straight, his stance becoming rigid.

"Sorry, but my customers just come and go. All I care is for them to pay the hour they used my computer."

My jaws clenched.

I noticed Jun scanning the place, his keen eyes sweeping up and down the place, surely not missing anything happening inside.

My eyes followed his sharp gaze, scanning every corner, looking for cameras, but finding none. I frowned.

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