Chapter 26: Sorry, it's Dee-Doe

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"Out of my way, I got my sassy pants on today. " — T-shirt

Angelik's POV

"I want to go home," Miss Debra said in a barely whisper voice and almost a whine. She sounded defeated.

Her high energy a while ago had burst, and now she looked downcast, which made my heart ache for her.

"Don't worry, Miss Debra. We will find your baby Dildo," I smiled and frowned as the last word rolled out of my tongue like a bitter melon.

I had to go along with her, not argue, or she would only get agitated.

As I guided her away from Mr. Smithson's door, I smiled down at her, a soothing smile. She just smiled weakly back at me. Her thin lips widened briefly, and her eyes crinkled slightly before disappearing.

She patted my hand over her arm, guiding her gently away.

"It's Dee Doe, sweetheart," she corrected, and the smile on my lips froze, but I quickly recovered, holding back my laughter.

"Dee Doe," I repeated, nodding at her, silently letting her know I stand corrected.

She shifted her eyes away from mine, staring mindlessly across the street, and then she let me guide her back to her apartment.

"Mrs. Demakis?" I heard Marshall behind us as we strolled along the sidewalk at a snail's pace.

I turned my head to look behind me, and his long strides caught up on us without a sweat.

I tilted my head back to level my eyes on his brown ones when he was in front of us.

"I've looked around, knocked on doors, they didn't see any dog," he said with pinched brows, suggesting he was not pleased with this job.

His tone was calm but flat, and I could hear and sense the disapproval beneath his deceiving calm demeanor.

"Just keep your eyes open, and follow us," I winked at him before turning and walked  back to the Bruce Manor.

As soon as we came closer to the ostentatious retirement place, a lady in green scrub was at the front double door, a worried look written all over her rounded face.

When she saw us, she approached with a look of displeasure.

"Ms. Morris!" she bit out, hands flying to her wide hips.

I could see the relief and frustrations roiling through her as she stared at Ms. Debra.

I doubt if she even notices us, but I can relate to her. She must have been terrified if one of your residents is missing.

"Where have you been?" she confronted. "You made us all worried!"

"Hello!" I smiled at the lady, and my eyes darted to her ID badge.

I read, Lakresha. And on the bottom of her name, it says CNA.

She's taller than me with chocolate brown skin, and I'm jealous of her skin that looked satiny.

She looked younger, perhaps younger than me.

Just then, she finally noticed us.

"Oh, I'm sorry," her gaze darted to me, and she smiled. Her countenance changed from hostile to warm. Perhaps realizing eyes were watching her.

I sympathized with her. Being a Certified Nursing Assistant is not easy.

And Ms Debra escaping and wandering without their notice is quite alarming and stressful on their part.

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