Chapter 6

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Nevaeh Pov

I watched in surprise as my father's olo'eyktan title was given to another Na'vi.  I never imagined the very day would come when my dad would not be in charge. After the ceremony, everyone left. My mother sobbed when she realized we wouldn't return to this place, and my father's heart broke because he knew it would be best for our family. I took one more look at the tree of souls. everything there was my home. Do you think there will be any forests where we are going? I pondered.My father came in front of us before our Mother.

When we sailed through the sky, I got on tìreymaw. I was in the back while my father was in front. I took one final look behind me and noticed the forest. That's where I was raised. My "Home," as it were. I noticed how my brother Lo'ak looked me. He flew next to me in his ikran. " Do you think they'll accept us, Lo'ak?"  I said while looking despondent. He understood exactly what I meant because we all have five fingers—me, him, and Kiri. "I hope so," he muttered, turning to face me after glancing up at the sky. He added, "I hope they're kind." He said, "I hope so too," I said to him.

A night fell. I was already worn out and anxious for us to get somewhere. The sea was down there it was lovely, wide, and, as I got closer, I could see creatures swimming around in it. I smiled, wondering if the sea would bring me as much joy as the trees had. After many hours of travel, we arrived. It was pleasant. As soon as I got from my ikran tìreymaw after our landing in the sand, I patted her neck. I turned to face the na'vi in the front  They didn't appear to be pleased to see us. I gave a distant glance at my parents.

Jake Pov

Neytiri tried to grab her bow as her and I exited our ikran, but I told her to leave it. I told my wife and kids to "follow me." Neytiri told our kids to "be nice." I overheard neytiri say, "tuk." I raised my hands to signal peace. I stayed calm as we continued to walk. Around us, the metkayina gathered.

Nevaeh Pov

I immediately noticed the metkayina Na'vi by their lighter skin tone, flat tails, and large arms, which made it easier for them to swim. Two metkayina men who appeared to be my age came to my siblings and me. My brothers were making "I see you" hand gestures while bending over. I followed my brothers in doing it. One of them asked, "What is that?" as the other one chuckled.  "Is it supposed to be a tail." They both chuckled.  I rolled my eyes as I glared at them in annoyance. I noticed as I turned to face Lo'ak that he had been watching a young metkayina girl of his age emerge from the sea. She was extremely lovely, in my opinion. I knew that As I turned to face Neteyam and we both grinned at him, Lo'ak blushed. One of the boys continued making comments about how our tails were too short and how we wouldn't be able to swim. She approached them and said, "enough." Finally, I thought, a nice person. Lo'ak smiled to the side and said, "Hey." The girl gave a timid smile and shifted her gaze.

Several creatures I had never seen before emerged from the sea; they resembled our ikran but did not rise above the water's surface. I bowed my head in respect as soon as the men emerged from the sea because I recognised them as the Olo'eyktan. I overheard my father saying, "I see you."I muttered, "I see you," I also said  A woman emerged from the gathering behind him. The Tsahìk was she. Everybody of my family said, "I see you," and I did too. Tonowari questioned, "Why do you come to us, Jake sully?" My dad regarded us before responding. He said, "We seek Uturu," with arms completely open. Ronald kept saying "uturu." My dad said, "A sanctuary for my family." He said, "We are reef people, and you are forest people."  he spoke.  I noticed that Ronald was around my siblings and me. Your skills will be nothing here, he said. As Jake gazed at Neytiri, my father said, "We'll learn your ways, isn't that right? I overheard my mother remark, "Yes," Ronal grasped my mother's tail while I listened to what they were saying, then she moved over to tuk and grabbed her arm. She now began to speak, saying, "their arms are thin." My younger sister managed to avoid her. I now heard Tuk say, "Mom." this time, clutching the tail of Kiri. Kiri said, "ow." You'll move slowly on water, she added. then she came over and took my hands. These children aren't even real Na'vi. She grabbed my hands before grabbing kiri, Ronald remarked. I realized as I stared at the ground that this was going to happen. I then turned to look at Lo'ak, who had saddened eyes for me. Kiri spoke back quickly, "Yes, we are. She then approached Lo'ak and took his hands. Lo'ak turned to look at the ground after realizing what have happened.  " they have demon blood" roared Ronald. Regardless of whether she was the leader, I was furious as I stared at her. My father displayed his hands before I could respond to her. "See," said Jake, who was upset by Ronald's assault of his children. In order to get her to leave his children alone, Jake did it again, this time bringing his hands closer to her face. "Well, I was raised by sky people, and now I'm a Na'vi, okay? You can adapt, and so can we! ". My mother Neytiri was disturbed by her children's erratic behaviour. My mother has now revealed that my husband was Toruk Makto. My mother's statements made my father Jake cringe. She now continued, "He led the clans to victory over the sky people."  This is what you call victory, Ronal remarked. It appears that Ewya has abandoned you, Ronald continued. Neytiri hissed. Before she could say or do anything else, my father interrupted and apologised for my wife, saying, "I apologise for my mate she is..." "Do not apologise for me," neytiri snapped back violently. We've come a long way, and she's worn out, he added. Mom backed away after taking a look at him. "Toruk Makto is a great war leader whose history is known to all Na'vi. we are  metkatina, are not at war." Tonowari addressed his people. We were not going to allow you to bring the war here. Before continuing, my father took Tuk in his arms. " I don't want war, alright?"  Jake now said an effortful, "I just.. want to keep my family safe." Ronal and Tonowari exchanged glances. I overheard Tuk say, "Do we have to leave?" I just wanted my family to be safe since I was so exhausted. My father now whispered to Tuk, "Shh, everything will be fine." My mother closes her eye and adds, "Uturu has been asked," with Kiri clutching her hand. I turned to face my brothers as Lo'ak gently touched me. I  gives him a smile. " Toruk Makto will stay with us, together with his family". My parents could be heard sighing with relief, and so could I. I smiled at Kiri and my brothers. Tonowari said, "Treat them as our brothers and sisters, but since they are not familiar with the sea, they will be like babies taking their first breath." "Teach them our way so they won't suffer the shame of being useless. My family exhaled a breath of relief. Our father looked towards us and asked, " Well, what do we say?" Tuk replied, "Thank you," and we all agreed. Rolling her eyes, Kiri. " My son Aonung and my daughter Tsireya will teach your kids what to do"   Aonung now asked as I stared at him and he at me, "Father, why do.." Tonowari shouted, "It is decided." Come, the adorable girl tsireya called joyfully. I gave her a smile. I'll show you around our village," she offered. I felt relieved that we are finally welcome here.

Hey guys I hoped you enjoyed this chapter 🤍 I'll try to post tomorrow 🌴. Who is your favourite character from avatar to way of water? Mine is Neteyam🤭

 Who is your favourite character from avatar to way of water? Mine is Neteyam🤭

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