Nevaeh Pov
I stopped zoning out thinking about all the possible outcomes for us. As I tried to back away from Quaritch, one of the avatars pushed me. As he pressed and pulled my braid, I looked at him with rage in my eyes. I screamed in pain, I didn't want my siblings to see me in pain but all I could do is scream. Lo'ak was trying to move to assist me, but the avatars stopped him, and Kiri was praying to Ewya for our father to arrive quicker. Tuk was crying in front of me, and I couldn't do anything to stop it. then Quaritch stopped i was relived and scared . When Quaritch stopped abruptly, I was both relieved and terrified. "HEY, don't touch her," spider warned. I looked at him, and he returned my gaze. I was surprised he said that. spider tried to be my friend for years, but I always turned him down. Quaritch then turned to face the spider. "What's your name, Kid?" he wondered aloud of the spider. "spider," he said, pausing. "spider socoroo," says spider. Quaritch appeared surprised. I just stared at Lo'ak as he stared back confused. "Milies," he explained. "No one calls me that," spider responded. "Well, I'll be damned, I thought they'd send you back to Earth," Quaritch said. "Can't put babies in cro dipshit," said the other, irritably.
Quaritch and the other avatars were looking at the video log of her father and mother fighting Quaritch when he was a human when it was already dark. I kept wondering why he was still alive. So many thoughts ran through my mind. I couldn't believe it when I saw my siblings here and them thinking I was weak for not doing anything to help them. Quaritch looks at me, and I look back. "You look exactly like your mother, you know that," he says as he approaches me. he said with a weird tone "You know the men you just shot with an arrow. That was one of my best men, he snarled. My hands were tied and opened as I hissed and tried to move my body. It scared him, and he flinched. Two of the avatars put me down and tied my hands again. "'I'LL KILL YOU. I declared.
Jake Pov
As my wife Neytiri and my son Neteyam descended from our Ikran. Neytiri was prepared with a bow and all. "You stay with the Ikrans," I told Neteyam. "Dad, I'm a worrier like you, and I'm supposed to fight," neteyam stated. "Neyetam," neytiri said, her facial expression telling him No. "I won't say it again," I said back. "Yes, sir," he replied, his voice irritated.
Nevaeh Pov
I was on my knees, dirt in my knees. I had no plan how we were going to get out of here. I tried everything, but every time it ended badly. The sound of rain falling on the ground, trees, and leaves was soothing. I've never felt so weak as I do now. My silbings were right next to me, and I started wondering when we'd be able to leave here. My ears perked up as I was looking at the ground and heard a sound. and I knew it had to be My Mother. I turned my head slowly to lo'ak. He also heard it. I was relieved that my parents had arrived. Then I turned to look at Kiri and Tuk, while Lo'ak looked at Spider. Kiri began to pray to Ewya under her breath. as the avatar began to pay attention to the sounds. He shook her to get her to stop talking so he could listen better. Arrows were thrown at the man holding kiri in less than a second. Everyone immediately reacted to the attack, assuming fighting positions. The avatars started firing their guns into the distance, where they thought my mother was in the hidden trees.
Neytiri Pov
My kids recognised me when I made sounds that sounded like natural sounds. because I had the arrow ready. I shot it at the men who had kiri after hearing my daughter Kiri pray. To get her to stop talking, he shook her. Shots were fired in my direction. I saw my kids fighting the avatars and causing smoke bombs from the men's suits' vests. I'm relieved they did. after seeing my children running through the forest and veins. I felt relieved. The guns then stopped, and I heard the Quaritch speak ." is that you, Mrs. Sully." When I heard his voice, I became enraged. " DEMON," I screamed angrily. "I will kill you as many times as I need to," I declared. "I'm guessing you and the corporal have been quite busy, haven't you?" His voice rang out throughout the forest. "You've got a whole litter of half breeds." My eyes were filled with rage. "That kid of yours, Neveaeh. She is extremely similar to you "He laughed as he said this. "Unfortunately, I'll have to kill her." He laughed out loud. I became even more enraged when he spoke to my daughter in this I firmly grasped my bow. Then I heard another arrow being fired, and when I looked up, it was Neyetam firing it at an avatar who was attempting to shoot me. Once again, gunshots were heard.
Neveaeh Pov
I looked at my brother Lo'ak, who was nodding and looking at me. I kicked my legs underneath one of the avatars, knocking him to the ground. I raised my hands in the air, and Lo'ak helped me in untying them. We both grabbed the smoke bombs from the vests of the men's suits at the exact time. It caused a yellow fog to completely cover the area. as soon as I had my sister's tuk. "Tuk come on," I said as I ran up to her and took her hand in mine. As we began to flee, tuk and lo'ak took the lead. I stopped, beginning to wonder where Kiri was. I returned and found her. She was waiting for Spider, but then he was taken away from the avatars. Kiri stopped in her tracks and yelled, "SPIDER!" as she sobbed. As much as I despise doing this to my sister, I grabbed her hand and ran towards the vines and branches. ignoring the fact that he was taken away. Lo'ak came back and helped Kiri in her escape. Gunshots were fired in response to the fire in the distance. I paused my running after checking to see if anyone had followed us. I couldn't breathe, so I ran until I saw my father. "DAD," I cried into his arms, and he wrapped his arms around me. I continued to cry into his arms. "Shh, baby girl, it's okay," he said, his voice cracking. I thought I'd never see him again as I hugged him tightly. As I let go of my father's hug, I hugged my mother, who had just emerged from the forest. "Mom," I cried as I wrapped my arms around her. "My baby," she said as she hugged me, tears streaming down her cheeks. Tuk and Kiri were both hugging my father. I hugged Neteyam and Lo'ak after that. "They have spider" Kiri exclaimed as she hugged our father. "They took him," she kept saying, her voice cracking and tears streaming down her cheeks. "It's okay, baby, he'll be fine," our father said as he hugged her. I felt really sorry for Spider, regardless of the fact that I disliked him.

Nevaeh Sully
FanficSully's stick together Nevaeh Sully is the family's oldest member. She adores her sibling's and will go to any length to keep them safe. What happens when Quaritch arrives to destroy her entire life and family? Would she risk everything to keep the...