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I had woken up a few hours ago and was just now getting out of bed. MCC was in an hour and a half, so I had to hurry up and get ready.

I went to go look for something to eat in my kitchen, but per usual, there was nothing for me to eat. I would doordash some chicken minis, but they stop serving breakfast at 10:00. Absolute bullshit. My only other option was to eat chips, so that's what I did.

After eating the scrumdillyumptious cheddar blasted goldfish, I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. I put on some sweatpants and a cropped shirt

(You can always change it if it's not ur style :} )

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(You can always change it if it's not ur style :} )

It was now 1:15. I quickly sat down on my chair and put my headset on. I got on discord and joined my team's call. "Hello!" Spreen said with a smile. "Hi! Where's everyone else?" I asked. "They'll be on in a few minutes, they said they were filming something for a video." Spreen responded. "Well they better hurry. MCC starts in 40 minutes." I said.

"So, you ready?" I asked. "Yea. Kinda nervous though. This is my first MCC." he said with a sad tone. "Seriously, don't worry. You are going to do so good. I saw the way you were practicing last night, you were doing awesome." I said reassuringly. "Thanks." he said. I could practically hear the wide smile in his voice.

The call went a little quiet for a minute, until there was a sound of 2 people joining. "ARE YALL READY TO KICK SOME ASS??" Ranboo yelled. "HELL YEAH!!" I yelled back. "Alright let's not get too excited. It hasn't even started yet." Wilbur said. "Wilbur you're such a dad. Dadbur." I said. "Oh whatever." Wilbur said laughing.

We all joined the practice server and went live. We all agreed on titling our streams as "WINNER'S POV." All of our viewer counts immediately shot up. "Oh shit I almost forgot." Spreen said. "What?" I asked. "Our skins." he said. "OH YEAH!" I exited out of the server and quickly changed my skin to Chester Cheeto and rejoined. As I was joining back, I looked up and saw buff Garfield infront of me. "HELL YEA!!" I shouted. "Let's get matching skins and not tell the others." Ranboo said. "Oh come on. That's not my fault. We got matching skins before we even knew you and Wilbur were on the same team as us." I said defensively. "That's cold." Wilbur said.


MCC was about to start. I looked up at the timer. 45 seconds. "WAIT GUYS QUICK!!!" I shouted "WE NEED TO GET A GROUP SCREENIE BEFORE IT STARTS!" Everyone got in a line by each other and crouched. I went in first person and took the screenshot. "Perfect." I said.

10 seconds on the clock. "GET READY!!" Wilbur said. "IM SO EXCITED!" Spreen exclaimed.


The concrete staircase appeared and everyone started running up it. We got teleported into the decision dome and everyone was given an egg. "What should we vote?" Wilbur asked. "Build Mart?" Ranboo suggested. "NOOO! I LOVE BUILD MART!! Anyways, I kinda wanna get Sky Battle out of the way." I said. "Yea I agree. What about y'all?" Ranboo said. "Good with me." Spreen said. "Me too." Wilbur added. We all threw our eggs towards the Sky Battle section.

After a few seconds of waiting, 'Parkour Tag' was written across our screens. "Ugh." I said. We got taken to the Parkour Tag arena, and was waiting for the first match to start. "Alright what's our strat?" Spreen asked. "I don't know. Who wants to be hunter?" Ranboo said. "I volunteer Spreen." I said. "WHAT?" Spreen shouted. "Come on! You need to use your skills. I have faith in you. I think you'll do good." I said. "I agree with y/n. I think Spreen should be hunter." Wilbur said. "Ugh fiiiiinee." Spreen dragged.

All four of our screens lit up with 'Round 1: Orange Ocelots vs. Green Guardians'
I quickly pulled up the list of who is on each team. "Ok Green Guardians are Connor, Fundy, Phil, and Tommy." I said. "Hopefully Phil or Tommy aren't picked for hunters." Ranboo said.

Spreen got in the hunter's box and the countdown begun. As soon as the doors opened, we ran out into the arena. Wilbur and Ranboo went to the left, and I went to the right. "The hunter is Fundy." Spreen said. "Good." I said "Better chance of winning." As I was running through the obstacles, I saw a chat pop up on my screen. 'TommyInnit was tagged by SpreenDMC.' "YES! GOOD JOB SPREEN!!" I shouted. "Good job man, keep it up." Wilbur said. You could hear a light chuckle come from Spreen's mic.

'Ranboo was tagged by Fundy.' "Dammit." Ranboo said. "You're good, you're good." I reassured him. 'ConnorEatsPants was tagged by SpreenDMC.' 'Ph1lzA was tagged by SpreenDMC.' "Hunted!" was displayed across our screens. "FUCK YES!!! I KNEW YOU'D DO GOOD!" I yelled. "YOU BEAT THEIR ASSES." Ranboo shouted. "Good job. Good job. I think you should be hunter next round too." Wilbur said.


We had played the next 7 games of parkour tag and we were about to compete in the last one. Our score so far was 4 wins and 3 losses. We would be going up against Cyan Creepers which consisted of Scott, Wisp, Antfrost, and 5up.

"I volunteer Y/n to be hunter." Spreen said. "Uhh. Are you sure about that?" I asked. "I agree." Wilbur said "We should give Y/n a shot. She hasn't hunted yet."

"Fine." I said getting into the hunter's box. "You'll do great!" Spreen exclaimed. "I hope so." I said. The countdown began and shortly after, the match started. I immediately started sprinting. I saw someone in cyan on my left, so I immediately went after them. I followed them for a while, but eventually I got them and 'Antfrost was tagged by Y/u/n.' went up on everyone's screens. "Good job Y/n!" Spreen exclaimed. "Don't get too happy yet. That's only one person out of three." I said.

I kept sprinting around the arena and spotted the last two players together. Dumb decision. (THE MAN THAT I LOVE SAT ME DOWN LAST NIGHT AND HE TOLD ME THAT IT'S OVER. DUMB DECISION. Anyways..)

I started racing after them, and they clearly noticed because they kept making difficult jumps and turns. "20 seconds left." Ranboo said. "Fuck." I said focusing. I was still sprinting after the two. I finally got close enough to reach one of them. 'Wisp was tagged by Y/u/n.' "8 seconds." Wilbur said. "FUCK!!" I said while pressing down harder on my keyboard as if it would do something. "Five. Four. Three." Wilbur said. With 2 seconds to spare, I finally caught up with Scott and tagged him. 'Smajor was tagged by Y/u/n. Hunted!'

"YESSSSSSSSSS!!!" Spreen yelled. "FUCK YES!!" I yelled. Wilbur and Ranboo were clapping and cheering. "We're in 2nd place!!" I said enthusiastically. "Good job
Y/n! You're definitely better at hunting than you think." Spreen said.

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