Another Sleepover

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A/N - Thank you guys for all the support! Hope you like it :)

Chapter 29 - Another Sleepover

After Quinn left, I was left to watch Xavier interview the remaining girls.

I noticed that Xavier kept stealing glances my way, but I just ignored him and kept my attention on the girls he was interviewing.

Right now, Alexis is up on stage getting interviewed.

She looks very confident and is giving her answers like she has practiced them for a long time, but I know that she must be dying of nervousness inside.

As a whole Alexis did a very good job on the interview, she comes down on stage and looks around. When she sees me she smiles and comes sit by my side.

"Wow, your interview was just.." she says

"Haha, I know, but who could blame me he was being a jerk"

"Yea, but he's so good looking. OMG he's looking at us, Jasmine turn around, he's looking at us" she says rather excitedly

"What part of he's a jerk didn't you understand" I exclaim

"The jerk part ok, I just think you overacted" she tries to explain

I just shrug, I don't want to get into a fight with one my best friends just because a jerk name Xavier Smith.

"Alexis, stop looking at him. Now tell me were you nervous during your interview?"

"He's so dreamy.....wait what.....oh yea did I look nervous"

"I knew it, but you didn't look nervous at all. Did you memorize your answers?"

"Don't judge me, but I kind of wanted to get on the good side of the audience"

I laugh "it's ok, I totally understand. I bet you're not the only one"

"Sussshhh" I quickly say "It's Preet's turn"

"Oh" Alexis says while turning away from me, to see Preet's interview"

Preet's interview was good but it wasn't as good as Alexis'.

Preet looked very nervous, and she stammered a lot while answer. But who am I to judge.

Preet comes and sits with us, and we await for Indra and Kayla's interviews.

Both of their interviews were pretty much the same, they were kind of nervous but they still managed to keep a confident face.

Now all the girls are sitting in front of the stage, listening to Xavier talk about the rules of the games to the camera.

I tune him out, because I have heard the rules about 10 times,so I did nt need to listen to them again.

I hear clapping around me, so I look up to see that the first episode has ended.

"That's a wrap" says the director

Xavier stands up and stretches, so all the girls could get a peek of his tanned six pack.

I hear a couple of girls sigh and see Xavier smirk getting the reaction he wanted.


There's screaming all around me, and I join in. I want to let go today.

"Sorry girls, but I know what you're thinking, but this isn't that type of party. Quinn wanted to surprise you guys by throwing a sleepover."

Everyone cheers and Xavier laughs.

"Ok ok I see you're excited, everyone meet in the living room in 30 minutes in your pjs."

I hear feet shuffling and follow the crowd upstairs to our rooms.

I quickly put shorts on and a baggy shirt before any of my friends reached upstairs.

When my friends reached our room they see me all ready to go and smirk.

"What?" I ask

"Isn't someone excited for the sleepover" Kayla smirks.

"What do you mean?"

"Look at yourself, you're already ready"

I shrug "Only because I didn't want to hog the bathroom when all of you had to change, also I can rest now" I say laying down on my bed.

"Suuuurrreeee" they all drawl out.

I roll my eyes, and just close my eyes.

I lay down for 20 minutes, just listening to my friends talk and laugh. I enjoyed the peace in my mind, not worrying about Xavier or Quinn. Just focusing on myself and my amazing group of friends.

I feel someone shaking me,

I open my eyes

"come on Jasmine it's time to go"

I sit up and yawn, and walk out of the door.

I hear my friends laughing

I look behind and ask "What?"

"It looks like you have a bird nest on your head" Alexis laughs

I scoff, and just put my hair in a messy ponytail.

I don't care what I look like right now, I just want to go back to sleep.

I look behind me and assess my friends, all of them have either straightened their hair or curled it.

Well, some people actually want to look presentable, but I don't understand why.

We're going to sleep anyways, right?

We arrive in the living room, and I see that most of the girls have make-up on.

Like really?

I'm the only one that is not wearing any make-up. Even my friends have lip gloss and eyeliner on.

Now that I think about it, how can 200 people have a sleepover?

Don't know, but I guess we'll find out.

A/N - I'll try to post another part tomorrow, but no promises :).

What do you guys want to happen in the sleepover?






PS - If you liked the story be sure to tell everyone you know on Wattpad about it :p, I really appreciate every view and vote that each and everyone of you give me, thank you for all the support that you have given me.

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