Shopping in France

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Enjoy :)

Just as a side note I would like to remind you that this is a fiction story, and most of the info in this part is false :p

Chapter 51 - Shopping in France

"Shopping" Alexis screams while running into a random stores.

Quinn gave us 1000 Euros each, so that we could go shopping. This was his way of bribing us into not asking questions on his whereabouts during our shopping spree.

"So you don't know where he is " Preet asks one of the bodyguards.

"We only know as much as you do Miss" he responds.

I stop thinking of Quinn and start focusing on shopping. I look up and gather that Alexis has ran into Chanel. "So she just wants to spend all of her money of a purse or something" I laugh walking into the store.

I wasn't going to buy anything from this store, my philosophy is life is buying many cheap things is better than buying one expensive thing. Well this doesn't really count for everything. Imagine buying thirty $1000 cars and then buying now $30,000 car. I would obviously only buy one car, because I don't want to sit in a 1990's corolla and wait for it to break down when I turn the engine on.

But when it comes to buying clothes at home my go to store is Ross. It is heaven to me, even though I don't like shopping, Ross is something that I can tolerate pretty well.

But coming to Paris I knew I was going to be shopping, so I had already planned on what I was going to buy and where. Last night I researched some shops like Ross in Paris.

The search results were sparse because I don't think they really have store like Ross in Europe. But, I did find some boutiques which claimed to be cheap, so I noted them down so I could check them out today.

"You guys which one should I choose" Alexis whines.

I go to stand behind her and look at what she is pointing at. My vision was met with two black purses which literally looked the same to me.

"Hmmm... so..." I try to ask before I am interrupted.

"Omg Jasmine I already know what you're going to ask" Alexis responds "So I'll just tell you, the dealing on the purse on the right in a little more visible when you turn it to the left and also when you look at it from the bottom. In addition the stiching on the two purses is done if two different colours, one is in black and the other in dark brown" Is there a difference I ask myself, but Alexis continues "The zippers are different too, the one on the left is more round and the on the right is more square. So, my thesis is that both of these purses appeal to my attention due to their similar and different characteristics" Alexis says running out of break.

"I still don't get it" I say actually not understanding half of the things that Alexis tried to explain. I just decide to leave and go outside to enjoy the French air.

The air smelled on croissants, baguettes, curly moustaches, and wine just like in the movies.

10 minutes later my friends come empty handed, except for Alexis who looked like she had seen Kookie's smile or something. She was obviously holding a $30 paper bag which had Chanel written on it.

"So how much money do you have left" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"Nada, and I had to borrow some from Preet too" she says excitedly. I look at Preet and she just shrugs, well I guess I can't blame Preet if Alexis would have asked for some of my money I might of given it to her. I bet, we'll get more chances to shop during our trip.

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