Who was it?

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Some of you were confused on who the unknown person was in the last chapter....

Well it was....

Quinn's father

I know some of you guessed that, but others thought it was someone else.

I know that his father was there for some of the competitions previously in the book, but let's pretend that his father left for a business trip to Europe.

I just wanted you guys to know that Quinn's dad is actually kind of a jerk, and Quinn can justifiably hate him.

Sorry guys for not updating, but I'll try to tomorrow.

Also I am almost at 10k and would love you guys to help me reach my goal. Even if each one of you told one of your friends or even a random person about this story, we could easily reach 10k.

Some of you might have stories too, so if you want me to read them just PM me :)

PS - sorry if I made mistakes, I'm on my phone right now, and it sometimes autocorrects for me

PPS - I took the picture on the side :p

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