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ayeong sat in the passenger seat of jaemins car, as she always did on school mornings. she would go to and from school with him, just like everything else- with him.

the two had been best friends for as long as she could remember, as their parents were best friends and they were neighbours.

they were peas in a pod. they were either on facetime or together. always. that was before jaemin got into high school, and became friends with some slutty boys. of course, ayeong adored the dreamies, but ever since jaemin got close with them, he also got close with way to many other girls.


the two of them went through every thing together. puberty, phases, silly crushes on each others friends.

for example, in sophomore year, ayeong had a massive crush on a senior named jaehyun, who was infamous for being a good kisser. she wanted to have had some practice before she hit on him, so she asked jaemin for some help.

from the beginning of freshman year, jaemin pulled girls from all grades. him and his friends were hoes, and playboys, and horrible to do many girls- but atleast they had experience.

the navy haired girl wasn't going to ask jaemin, she was actually going to ask one of her female friends with more experience. but when jaemin heard this, he was absolutely flabbergasted that she didn't go to him first.

"i'm literally the best kisser at this school, and i also happen to be your best friend. shoulda came to me first."

she then went to his house like she always did, but instead of having their usual weekly sleepover and watching an action movie on his couch with his mum, they sat on the floor of his bedroom, criss crossed in front of each other.

he cupped her cheek and pulled her in. giving her the most tounge-y kiss she ever had. he was good though, really good. he tilted her head and showed her the exact position she should be in.

they made out for a while, with him praising ayeong for being a better kisser than he expected. she was so flustered, but seeing how chill he was about it, she pretended like it didn't effect her at all.

jaemin then went on to complain about the fact that she was going to use his kissing skills on a boy other than himself, and he pouted about it for a while, even while the jaehyun and yeong didn't end up together, and she was too shy to initiate anything.


ayeong watched videos on her phone while jaemin was putting gas in his car, seeing as they had over 20 minutes till school started. the boy was dressed in a black hoodie and greg sweatpants, still tired from the night before. his parents were out on a business trip for the next couple of months, leaving their only son to watch the house. of course, they knew that it was really ayeong in charge.

she cooked for the boy often, and he stayed at her house a while before calling over girls at night, and ayeong could always hear the sinful noises he made through her window.

the previous night he was at a house party, and he brought back 2 girls. ayeong knew he was aware of how loud he was being at 2 in the morning, but he chose to piss off his best friend.

in the morning, he planned to sleep in, but ayeong didn't want his attendance to get any worse than it already was. she forced him out of bed, and she even got his bag and clothes ready. the poor boys eyes were barely open, but he still abided to ayeong.

while he was paying for their petrol, ayeong texted her older brother, taeyong, that she would be late to come home, since the boys asked her to go to their soccer practice that night.

jaemin came back to his seat, and the two continued their way to school. he had a coffee in his hand, and he brought ayeong a fruit salad, knowing she didn't eat breakfast since she was getting his soccer uniform and books ready.

"why did you make me come todayy." he groaned, shaking ayeong as they entered the school. "jaem, you already missed two days this week, i don't want your attendance becoming an issue before grad." she told him, patting his back.

in their first period. ayeong let jaemin sleep on her shoulder, knowing that if it wasn't for her, he would be well rested on his bed.

she even copied her own homework answers on to his, since they had to turn them in at the end of class. she was an amazing friend, and she prided herself on that.


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as we speak, i'm writing a taeyong book, jeno book, mark book, jisung book, and haechan book. im a busy busy gal fr

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