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the whole time that the pair sat in the cinema, jaemin was absolutely crushed.

his girl, was going out with sunwoo. sunwoo, from soccer. sunwoo, who didn't know anything about her.

did he know her favourite colour?

no. it's pink.

did he know what she loved to eat?

no. it's pomegranate.

did he know what her comfort show was?

no. it's brooklyn 99.

jaemin knew all of this, not sunwoo. jaemin knew exactly what to say to her when she was stressed, or sad, or angry, or scared.

jaemin was best friends with her even through their braces and long hair phases.

jaemin would kill for her. they were soulmates. they couldn't live without each other for the couple of months they weren't on speaking terms.

he wasn't going to let her go out with sunwoo. no matter how it happened. he needed to tell her how he felt, before it was too late.

"ghostface would be hot if he wasn't dressed like that."

"yeon, he's a murderer."

"yeah, that's what makes him hot." ayeong laughed.

jaemin looked at her weirdly. "i don't get it, his mask is ugly." he told her. "yeah, but it's just the fact that hes a smart murderer."she whispered.

"unrelated, jenna ortega looks so good in this." ayeong told him. "you're prettier yeon." he said, making her blush. "thanks, i think you're not that ugly."

"what's that supposed to me-"

"can you guys shut up! we're watching a movie." the couple behind them complained.

"sorry.." ayeong sheepishly apologised, looking at jaemin, holding in his laugh.

"be quiet, i don't want to get kicked out." yeon hushed him, by putting her hand over his mouth.

she shuffled a little bit, moving over to lean her head on his shoulder.

jaemins face was burning. when she used to do this, he would pay zero mind to it- but now, his ears were on fire.

"fuck!" he whisper-yelled as his phone fell into the side of his reclining chair. "what?" she questioned. "my phone fell into the chair." he whined.

"oh my days you idiot!" she sighed, rubbing her face with her hands. "my hand doesn't fit in the seat, please get it for mee." he begged.

"oh yeah, because you're just sooo buff." she sarcastically commented. "i go to the gym everyday!" jaemin complained, hurt over her comment.

the movie had now ended. jaemin was picking up all the trash from the snacks they were munching on, and ayeong was fishing his phone out of the side of his chair.

she was groaning in pain, as she held the flash with her other hand. "how does your phone just fall in! you have proper issues." she scolded him.

"im sorry!" he cried, done with her yelling. "you're so lucky im a good person." she said, with a groan, as she finally grabbed the device.

"yes! fucking finally," she sighed, handing him his phone.

"you're the best yeon, i love you." he hugged her quickly. "i know." she hit his shoulder.

"im never going out with you again,"

"i doubt that."

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