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while the two sat in class, their loud chatting turned into whispers to avoid the teachers annoying whiny voice when they were too loud.

as she was about to hit submit on the task at hand, she heard the loud blasting of sirens through the speaker placed in the corner. it blared out "code black! standard procedure." multiple times in a robotic voice, and the teacher had woken up from his spot on the laptop.

he ran over to the door and locked it, bringing down the blinds. "everybody down!" mr lim yelled, which scared the already stressed students.

they all got under the tables, ayeong was shaking in fear. this was the very first time she had experienced this, after going her whole life being reassured that stuff like this didn't happen in korea.

jaemin noticed that she was still standing, and had to yank her down by the arm to get her down.

"what's code black? what's happening?" a kid in the back of her class exclaimed, gaining all of their attentions. the whole class of teenagers wanted answers from him.

"please don't yell." he whispered. "it means there is someone with a weapon on campus," he continued, barely audible to ayeong. it was enough to scare the shit out of her though.

jaemin noticed, her eyes were wide and she was very subtly rocking back and forth in her place. "it'll be okay. don't worry yeon." he said making her laugh quietly. "okay my ass. there's someone with a fucking weapon just chilling on campus. what if he rocks in here and murders someone?" he rolled his eyes. "we're literally on the fifth floor right now, in a classroom with no windows. the door is so heavy i have to push it for you when we come inside, and that's locked right now. police are literally coming." he explained to her.

this calmed the girl down a little, but it took her a second to think about his words. "are you calling me weak? kill yourself." she said, with a dumb frown. "ugh. how about you think about all of the comforting things i just said." he said back. "you literally are weak. i was being nice by saying it's heavy, you just can't push it or pull it- very embarrassing." she was shocked now, her mouth agape.

"it's very obvious that you struggle too! if it was easy, why do you use your whole body everytime!" she argued, making him grin. "to make you feel better. i could push it with just a pinky." he smirked at her. "i hate you," she muttered, putting her head in her hands.

now, the silence was lifted by the sound of someone speaking through the speaker.

"the person on campus has left, authorities have reached him. please continue to the last 15 minutes of lunch time, and return to your normal schedules." she took a deep breathe, before looking at the smiling jaemin.

"why are you smiling at me?" she questioned.

"isn't it obvious? i distracted you so well. i was lying, no one can push that heavy ass door. it was because you looked so stressed i couldn't just leave you like that." he said to her as they climbed out from under the desk.

she pushed her lip into a small pout, surprised that he kept up a lie for so long.

"thanks nana."

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