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while they had left, the other boys sat down, and she handed them towels to dry themselves off with, since the group didn't think enough ahead to bring clothes, except for jisung and ayeong.

ayeong grabbed out and handed the over sized sweatshirt she brought to give to the boys, and renjun quickly grabbed it and covered his upper body. she gave her massive towel to haechan and mark to use as a blanket, since it was relatively dry.

jisung noticed that she was wearing sweatpants, but she gave away everything else that she would use to cover her top half. she was shivering a lot still, so he just pulled her over and into his jacket. she abided happily, being very cold.

she had her legs on top of his, and her arms around his torso as he stretched the jacket around the two of them.

she leaned her head against his chest, while he talked with chenle and the others, and she completely blocked out their conversation.

she was still shivering, as she was basically soaking wet. and she felt gross having sand against her feet, and smelling like salt water. ayeong could not wait to go inside the car, which she hoped was warmed up.

it had only been a couple of minutes, and the entire beach was completely empty. there weren't many people there to begin with, just a couple and family here and there, but now the only voices heard were the ones of her friends.

she looked over at haechan who was shaking his head to wiggle out the water, and he sprayed everyone in the process. "dude! watch it." chenle complained as he wiped of the water he got on his face from the boy sat down next beside him.

from the very corner of her eye, she saw one black car and one red car advance from the quiet streets, both coming very quickly. she watched as they parked their cars, waiting for the group to get on board.

jaemin turned to face his friends who sat on the shaded concrete floor, and he payed more attention and saw jisung and ayeong completely against each other, sharing one blanket.

his teeth clenched unknowingly, and unlike jeno who stayed inside the car until the rest got onboard, he jumped out of the vehicle.

he stepped over to ayeong and jisung, getting her up from his embrace. he tugged on her hand, making her confused. it hurt her shoulder a little bit, but it was more about that she could have gotten up herself without his help.

"let's go." he said bluntly, pulling her towards himself tightly as they walked to the car. she turned her head back, and jisung gave her a look, which she returned with the same one.

it was weird that jaemin was doing all that so quickly when the rest of the boys hadn't even picked up their stuff yet.

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